
How to Throw A Socially Distanced Wedding

Your wedding day is coming up, the day that is supposed to be seen as the happiest day of your life. Planning a wedding can come with plenty of stress. There’s deciding who’s going to be in the wedding party, deciding the location of the wedding, the attire, the decorations, etc. Having a wedding this year is going to be somewhat different due to the pandemic. Those who really want their wedding to be a huge and memorable event have postponed their big day until sometime next year. Others have made rearrangements so that they can still get married.


There’s plenty of video chatting software that allows groups of friends to communicate remotely. Ever since the pandemic first hit, more and more people have started using Zoom. Online classes and work meetings are being held over Zoom. People who are considered high risk have been using Zoom to virtually socialize with family and friends. Zoom can be used for any wedding guests who have been highly anticipating seeing you get married. Since Zoom allows up to a thousand participants in a meeting at once, pretty much everyone who wants to see you get married will be able to.


Having an outdoor wedding during the summer can make maintaining six feet a lot easier than while indoors. Since the start of the summer, lots of places have mandated wearing masks. The wedding party along with any guests who are able to attend in person can wear face masks and maintain six feet from each other whenever possible. Food trucks are also a great food option to have at outdoor weddings. 

The pandemic caused several states to put a stay at home order in place. Even when some states decided to risk reopening to start bringing in money to non essential businesses, plenty of people (who have been able to work remotely) still chose to stay at home and stay safe. Having a backyard wedding can be an appealing option if you have a decent sized yard. If your backyard doesn’t have any trees, an awning of some kind can be set up for the wedding party.

State parks are typically places where celebrations and gathering are held when the weather is nice. State parks were seen as one of the best places for fresh air since the pandemic hit pretty much at the start of spring. Some couples who were planning to get married this year chose instead to have a small ceremony to get married and postpone the actual wedding until it’s safe again. If there’s a state or national park nearby, holding a ceremony could be a possibility without too much trouble. There shouldn’t be too many wedding accessories to haul out for a small ceremony. Ceremonies surrounded by nature can have beautiful wedding photos with trees, a waterfall or a field of wildflowers. Inviting guests to join a virtual meeting in a program such as Zoom may or may not be a possibility depending on your cell phone provider.


There are several ways to work around getting married during a pandemic for those who don’t want to have to wait for a day you’ve spent months getting ready for. Any weddings planned for the start of spring would have most likely been postponed/cancelled due to the panic and anxiety caused by the pandemic hitting. Now that we’ve adapted to these crazy and frustrating times, it’s easier to focus on making changes to your wedding plans and seeing what your options are. Since plenty of us have been under lockdown for months, you’ve had time to decide if someone’s backyard would be a good place for a wedding ceremony. You’ve adapted to virtual socializing and social distancing, and know how to accommodate everyone.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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