Mine Dogecoin

How To Mine Dogecoin?

Dogecoin is an open-source, peer-to-peer digital currency that enables you to send money online easily. It’s a completely decentralized cryptocurrency with its blockchain, which means no central authority dictates how much it costs to use the coins, where they can be sent, or how they are stored. Therefore, they are perfect for cross-border payments and transactions without high fees or wait times. To know in detail, read the complete guide on mining dogecoin.

How To Mine Dogecoin?

1. Find a good pool

If you intend to mine Dogecoin and get the best results, you need first to find a good pool. A pool is an aggregator of multiple miners. It’s more profitable, faster, and easier if you can combine resources with other people. You can join a pool from your computer or smartphone and download the mining software. As you join others, you’ll share the profits of their Dogecoin mining pool.

2. Mine on a VPS or cloud server

You could further hire virtual private servers (VPS) to mine Dogecoin, if you don’t want to invest in pricey hardwares. The website hosting the server will charge a monthly fee based on your choice of hardware and the geographic location of your cloud server. If you want to use this option, make sure that the company maintains high levels of security and customer service. Otherwise, you risk losing your mining software as well as the data it contains.

3. Pick a hash rate of at least 1 GH/s or more.

While the minimum Dogecoin mined is one coin per block, the rate will vary immensely based on your choice of hash rate. Your hash rate determines how quickly you can mine dogecoins, as it is directly proportional to each other. For example, a 2GH/s device will take four years to generate one Dogecoin. So if you can pick a miner with a higher hash rate, it’ll make it easier to mine Dogecoins.

 4. Make sure your GPU or CPU has at least 4 GB of RAM.

The Dogecoin mining rate depends on your hardware and the quality of your graphic card. If you’re using a standard PC, make sure it has at least 2GB of memory available for the graphics card. For more extraordinary performance and speed, get a graphic card that supports OpenCL and CUDA if possible. The dogecoin mining process will use all the available power of your computer’s processor instead of its graphic card when running on autopilot.

 5. Learn to configure your miner

You’ll have to configure the software that you’ll be using to mine dogecoins. The configuration process has advanced features like GPU overdrive, kernel tweaks and memory undervolting.  It would be wise to set up and test your pools before you start mining. This is useful for testing purposes, but it will also tell you if you have working hardware for mining dogecoins.

6. Utilize a Raspberry Pi for both enjoyment and profit.

Dogecoin can be mined using only a Raspberry Pi board or similar low-cost computer device with at least 512MB of RAM. Use a USB hub to connect your devices to the Raspberry Pi (early versions had troubles with USB connections). You’ll need to install the cgminer software and configure it appropriately to use this method.

Final Words

After reading the complete guide on mining dogecoin, we are sure that you must have understood the basics of this. When mining Dogecoins, use top-notch hardware and a reliable computer system. You’ll need to keep your computer updated to prevent incoming DDoS attacks. If you want the best hash rate, pick a pool that is easy to join and maintain. Finally, use a Raspberry Pi to mine for fun with friends.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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