Hair extension methods- Which one is right for the client?

Want to try hair extensions? Well, you need to know that there are several hair extension methods people use to get the desired volume. It’s hard to decide which method you should go for especially if you are running a beauty salon. In this article, we would be discussing what are the top five hair extension methods and which hair extension method is right for your client?

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Before we jump into details let’s have a look at the most commonly used hair extension methods;

  • Micro Links
  • Clip-In
  • Tape-In
  • Micro Ring
  • Sew-In

Micro Links

Micro links, cold fusion, or I-tip is a popular hair extension method in which a small section of hair is pulled with the help of a cylinder, beads, or lock and it is then clamped shut with the pair of plyers.


Clip-in is the most user-friendly hair extension method that does not demand you to get it done by a professional. The clip-in extensions that are commonly referred to as clip-in wefts contain a silicone clip that allows them to attach and take off the wig easily.


Tape-in comes to the rescue when the user is looking to obtain more natural results. Tape-in is a complex procedure that only a skilled professional can perform. The professionals tape and blend the hair extension in natural hair with a complex procedure. It’s expensive but safer than most of the other hair extension methods.


Micro-ring is another popular hair extension method that intensifies the look without damaging the natural hair. Like tape-in, it can also only be done by a professional hairdresser. This hair extension method requires you to apply the tiniest pieces of pre-bonded hair using a metal ring or a bead. This costly hair extension method gives relief of 8 weeks but this duration can be extended with care and maintenance.


Sew-In is the most commonly used hair extension method that does affect the quality of natural hair. In this hair extension method, the hairdresser sews the wefts of hair into the natural hair using thread and needles. It’s a lengthy process that usually keeps on rewarding up to 4 to 6 weeks. The considerable advantage of using the sew-in method is that it allows reusing of the hair.

hair extension

These were the five most preferred hair extension methods. Since money is not your main concern, you want to be known for offering the best services as well. So, let’s briefly discuss which hair extension method is best for the clients.

Well, the appropriate answer to this question would be, It’s hard to tell without judging the quality and quantity of hair. On fine natural hair, the tape-in hair extension method sits well. It doesn’t require any skilled professional and is quite affordable than most hair extension methods. The experts usually suggest tape-in and clip-in hair extension methods probably because they are safest and effective in resolving the issue. Moreover, you can also check crochet hair to spice up your look.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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