6 Tips for Getting Your Home More Accessible

6 Tips for Getting Your Home More Accessible

Disabilities can impact our lives, changing how we do things, and exposing us to a new journey in life. Making your home more accessible is the best step towards enabling disabled people to access the home easily.

There are people with various disabilities, and what may be accessible for one may not possibly be for the other. Therefore, ensure that whatever step you take to make it accessible favors all.

Thankfully, there’re various solutions to change the home and make it more comfortable and safe. Below are several ways to make the home accessible for your loved ones that are living with disabilities.

Transform Staircases to Ramps

Taking steps on the stairs can be an impossible thing for someone living with disabilities. They’re a health hazard and can cause more injuries, not just to those on wheelchairs but also to every disabled person.

No matter the rank of your house, stairs would still pose a challenge. Even if it’s a single-story rank, you’re likely to have one or two staircases that connect the home to the doorway or other rooms. Consider changing the stairs to ramps for easy access.Also, you can choose stair parts in your commercial or residential place that make it more attractive and cool. 

There’re various ramp styles, such as portable, collapsible, and threshold ramps, that can make life easier for your loved ones. The space becomes safe and reliable, enabling one to move from room to room no matter.

Consider an Elevator

Elevators offer convenience in accessing all vertical areas in the home and can be a great solution to those living with disabilities and have limited mobility. They’re safe, reliable, faster, and swift. Elevators not only make the home accessible but also improve the home’s value. They’re less costly, and their value gives you a bang for your back.

During the installation, consider matching them with the home’s existing architecture to create an appealing look and feel. The most important thing is that you’ll have created a more accessible way for anyone.

Remove Bathroom Barriers

The bathroom is one of the most commonly used areas by everyone in the home. If a disabled person can’t access the bathroom, they’ll not be able to use the toilet, shower, or brush their teeth.

Make the bathroom accessible by using walk-in bathtubs, which allows users easy access without straddling. They are safe and reduce many risks that come with the bathroom area. Also, install a sink that wheelchair users can easily access. Many people find the bathroom area a great way to relax their bodies and ease the pain.

Additionally, use quality materials on the surface to avoid injuries when wet or soapy. Install easy to use features, controls, and sensors that your loved ones can use without much effort. Always keep the facility clean and dry.

Use Modern Features on the Toilet

As you install a walk-in tub in the bathroom, don’t forget to update your toilet. The facility is one of the more risky areas for your loved ones. Install a safety frame in the toilet to create a balance when someone is using the facility. The frames provide safety, comfort, and quality life to the user. To create an aesthetic appeal in the home while installing the frames, consider the ones that match the indoor architecture.

Rearrange Your Furniture

The home layout can be a barrier for many people. It’s crucial to rearrange the furniture to increase mobility for those on wheelchairs. Remove all sharp furniture from the way and expand the narrow passages to appear larger. De-clutter the space by removing non-essential items to create ample space in all rooms. Place comfortable chairs at open places for easy access and move other essential items to lower shelves.

Create Comfortable Surfaces

Ensure the surfaces are not hazardous. As you focus or remove slippery tiles, don’t forget to remove things that can be challenging for people using mobility. Remove rough grout, thick rugs, and carpets. Replace them with smooth and comfortable surfaces and ensure all surfaces are free from potential injuries.


There are many other ways to make your home accessible for those living with disabilities. It’s good to consult with a professional to help you establish the best methods for your home. The most important thing is to keep every corner of the home safe and comfortable at all times.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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