considerations while buying rugs online

7 best ways to purchase rugs online

There are some things in life that you want to get correct the first time around. Buying rugs online is one of them. With more and more companies making their inventories available on the internet, buying rugs online has become a very viable option for those who can’t go out and check out rugs and carpet stores. As with most online shopping, knowledge is power.

Before buying rugs, arm yourself with the knowledge so that you can exercise the power to make wise buying decisions, and rest assured that you will be satisfied with the rug you choose.

  1. Buy from a trustworthy online store
  2. Your payment is clear
  3. Get the right color
  4. Check return policies carefully
  5. Buying from reputable online stores
  6. Dimensional measurements
  7. Reviews are your friends

1- Buy from a trustworthy online store:

This immediately brings us to our number one tip. Make sure the online store you choose is trustworthy. Do your research, check with the Better Business, and see what people are saying in reviews about their shopping experience with the carpet store you are considering. In other words, do your best to find an online store that you can trust that is customer-oriented and that takes questions.

2- Your payment is clear:

As with most home furnishings, rugs come in a wide range of machine-made (generally cheaper) or artisan-created (labor-intensive and sometimes more expensive) styles. Or less skilled craftsmen. So in general what you pay for is the finish and the materials used.

The material matters not only click to buy because you love the color and pattern; explore the qualities of the mat material. Whether you have the budget for a usable $ 100 rug or a gorgeous high-end beauty or vintage treasure that costs thousands of dollars, you want to make sure you know what you’re paying for. Great rewards can come from money well spent.

3- Get the right color:

The ideal way to determine the quality of the rug is to view the real colors and patterns and feel the texture of the rug. While you probably have to pay for the sample, in the long run. So, it will be worth it by choosing the rugs online that captured your heart. But is this what you think it is? When you see a champion. You’ll know for sure. Again, you don’t want to go through the process of returning a mat. If swatches are not available. So, try checking colors from different devices and/or browsers to make sure they are exactly what you are looking for.

4- Check return policies carefully:

To reiterate, if at all possible you want to avoid the hassle and expense of returning a rug, but it’s good to know what the store’s details are in their return policy. So, just in case the worst happens. Would happen and the carpet would not fit. Your room or you just can’t live with your choice of rugs. Every store has a return policy, so take a look.

5- Buying from reputable online stores:

Our first tip when it comes to buying a rug online is to only make that purchase from a reputable online store. Not all online stores carry the rugs that they promote for quality. For this reason, you should only buy rugs from reputable, well-known online stores that have good customer support systems.

If you are looking for a store like this, visit our website today. At Main and Crawford, we only offer the best and don’t compromise on quality. In addition, our products are all inexpensive, so you can buy the rug of your dreams without breaking your bank account. Click HERE to preview our extensive catalog of rugs and find the right one for your home.

6- Dimensional measurements:

The next thing you will need to do is measure the size of the rug you are considering purchasing before you make your purchase. Unlike most things, rugs come in all shapes and sizes. And you will usually buy this rug for a specific space.

So, no matter what type of rug you buy (rectangular or rounded), you should write down the recorded dimensions and take the time to measure them against the space you plan to place your rug before you buy it.

There is nothing worse than finding that your rug is too big or too small after making your purchase. Well, that can help you prevent it.

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7- Friends reviews:

And finally, our final tip for you today is to be aware of the reviews. Always read the comments section and take the time to learn about other people’s experiences with a rug, as those experiences will likely mirror your own.


There is no doubt that when it comes to buying household items such as rugs, shopping online is the best option for you. However, if you’re online purchase is brand new rugs online. So, you don’t have to worry about it. Either way, if you are thinking of buying a rug, there are a few things you should know before you do. Our tips will help make the sales process easier and ensure that you only buy a rug that you are ultimately very satisfied with.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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