
Tips for an excellent essay

In modern higher education, the essay form has become widespread, so many students face this issue – and how to write it? Essays came to us from the Anglo-Saxon educational tradition, where it is one of the basic elements of learning (especially in the first years). In universities of the United States and the United Kingdom, there are volumetric courses that study the principles of creation and types of essays that can makу you almost an essay writer, we also have only a few faculties to afford at least a short semester academic letter. Because of this, not yet eliminated imbalance, we offer you your analysis of the question of writing an essay.

Free form of writing

Answer the question “How to write an essay?” Simply simple – “As you want, write and write.” This is not a joke and not a failure to answer. Essay is the maximum free form of prosaic composition of a small volume. The only substantial restrictions for all types of essay are except for a small volume, the presence of copyright opinion and a more or less defined occasion or a topic for text.

But a similar answer is “once a free form, then write as you want / know how to satisfy someone, including because” anything “is usually somewhere near” what “.” In addition, many are in captivity of the stereotype that if essay, it is necessarily a suitable and complex thinking, to which only philosophers are capable of (this is not).

And here I would share writing an essay (generally) and writing a quality readable essay. Oddly enough, but in the first case you have enough to get acquainted with one example and then pull the courage to give your text. According to many writing, you just need to start to express thoughts and new ones will appear by themselves. To start in any way, for example, from the words “Well, in short …” or “the whole thing is that …” or even with a swag, if your mind is so arranged. After the text was born – some of the proofreading and in print, in the sense – to pass.

As for the high-quality essay, there is a little different situation with him. It’s one thing to remember how you wrote essays at school and to give something like this, quite another – take responsibility for how the text will interact with your audience. There is nothing easier than to write an interesting essay if you have already learned to write texts that take clever. Accordingly, there is nothing harder than to make such an essay if you have not even started learning.

Catch the reader’s attention

In any case, it is worth remembering that the beginning of the text determines a lot. For this reason, the introductory part of the essay must contain something that will allow the reader not to fall asleep and not throw your text in the middle. For this, there are several techniques that could be kind “essay help” for you, select the two most obvious.

The first strategy is to choose an interesting topic and it is extremely clearly voiced at the beginning of the essay. Think about your audience (for example, a university teacher) and avoid banal themes, unless you intend to hit the reader with a super-constitutional interpretation of something familiar. It is important to remember that each topic has not only potential and content that make it relevant to a specific reader, but also – feed.

A huge number of unsuccessful essays begin with an ineptly filling theme that could be interesting. If you have at least some consideration about how your approach to the topic is different from others – this must be mentioned at the beginning. Therefore, remember: the topic itself does not take out, it is important to be clearly and interestingly formulated at the beginning of the text. Otherwise, you risk: even being forced to read your verse teacher – first of all, the reader who usually unconsciously creates an impression of the text on the first paragraphs.

The second approach capable of holding the reader’s attention is anticipation. Often it requires more skill, although some is given without problems. This approach to the essay could be called the principle of “snowy coma” or “chain” – or each previous proposal makes you read the following, or everything disintegrates.

In most cases, there are two tools – intrigue and style. You either subtly hint at something, or fond of the beauty of the syllable, from which the reader wants and continues to read. Therefore, it is often recommended to start an essay from a question (intrigue) or a bright phrase (style). The free style and composition in the essay is invented so that the text possesses some highlights

Even if you feel the lack of some of your own interesting thoughts, the essay can be high-quality – if the author is visible, his look, language, rhythm of text, search for arguments. As in any text (especially small), the author should be remembered about alternating short phrases and long, as well as avoid complex terms, common phrases, and unsconsiders.

Replica of thinking individual

When you decide on the beginning, you can also think about the main content. Essays should be distinguished from a scientific article, literary essay, event notes and philosophical thesis. Essay does not claim an exhaustive view on the topic, and also does not need the rigor of definitions or reference to the facts. As a small form of essay is closest to a small monologue, pronounced in mind or in the usual company. That is why the essay is rather an attempt to strudust the thought than the finished sequence or scheme.

Actually, the French word Essai means a sample, an attempt. Hence the orientation to the spoken intonation, imagery, frankness, sometimes the limited compression of thought (without excessive explanation). A good tone for an intelligent person since the XVI-XVII century (when this form appears) is also considered to oppose oneself to themselves, so in the essay often use the imitation of the dialogue with the reader or thinking by antithesis.

Ultimately, it is worth remembering that the essay is a cross between a story about himself and strict philosophical reasoning. This is a replica of the thinking individual. Esseist – not confess, but not hiding himself. At the same time, he is philosophized, but philosophized without strict obligations of the form.

One of the bright examples of such a combination can be a critical summary: criticizing the event, work, author, we equally inform you about yourself (your tastes, values, beliefs, level of understanding), and about the subject of criticism. In other words, an essay as such does not assume that you really inform something new, but it seeks originality – first of all in the ability to strudust experience and knowledge in its ability.

And here it is worth noting that the essays that are written in universities are usually much easier, since they are focused mainly on the demonstration of independent reasoning skills. Many nuances of an essay should be known only if you expect a slightly wider audience than one university teacher. In most cases, the teacher who tasks the essay wants to make sure of two things.

First, do you know how to talk thoughts? Are there any thoughts of thought, losses of causal relationships, unreasonable and non-obvious judgments?

Secondly, are you capable of dialogue and minimal self-criticism? The latter assumes that the author does not only feel the need for arguments supporting his position, but maybe they may come up with.

Or even easier: the essay should be intelligible (clarity of the theme and content) and not unfounded (understanding of the essence, expressed in the presence of adequate arguments).

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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