Know About Caffeine

Surprising Things That You Didn’t Know About Caffeine

Did you know that the most commonly used and legal drug is caffeine? That coffee that you love so much is packed with a serious caffeine content that can cause some serious health problems for you. In fact, caffeine is so dangerous for your health that it has been associated with the same effects that other stimulant drugs such as cocaine and meth can have on you.

In addition, it is highly addictive to you and even your kids. Knowing about the dangers of caffeine addiction is important. Read on to find out more about how caffeine can be harmful to your health. 

Caffeine Addiction 

You would be surprised to find out how easy it is to get addicted to caffeine. The coffee and soda that you consume are the main sources of caffeine in America. If you live in other parts of the world like Asia and Africa, you are most likely to consume excessive amounts of caffeine from your soda and tea. However, if you don’t drink these, you are not that safe. That chocolate that you love so much can also be a problem for you. According to research, you are likely to be part of the 90% of Americans who have a chocolate addiction. This means that you are consuming a staggering amount of caffeine when you satisfy your cravings. 

Caffeine is not an issue for you if you consume it in moderate amounts. But, it can be an issue if you overindulge. In fact, when you consume it excessively, it can disrupt your health physically and mentally. The thing is caffeine-related disorders are highlighted in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). You are likely to experience issues that are related to intoxication and withdrawal when you use too much caffeine in your diet. 

How Does Caffeine Negatively Affect Your Health?

It can be easy for you to forget that caffeine is a drug. The thing is it’s so commonly used in most of the things that you consume. Even your kids are drinking beverages with suspicious amounts of caffeine. However, you should start being cautious of the ingredients that are in your kid’s drinks. Why? You may be asking yourself. The fact is that caffeine has similar properties to other stimulant drugs such as meth and cocaine. You know these as hard drugs. They are, and they’re always working to stimulate parts of your nervous system. This can have many negative effects on your brain function. Now, imagine how dangerous it is for your child to consume caffeine. 


You may have argued that drinking coffee makes you feel ‘alert’. This is true, studies suggest that excessive amounts of caffeine can speed up your heart and breathing rates to give you a sense of being alert. As a result, you want to drink more coffee or other caffeinated drinks. It’s a bit like you’re chasing a rainbow, the closer you get, the further away it is to you. Chasing this ‘high’ can be bad for you in many ways. For instance, not only is this harmful to your heart, but it can result in you overdosing on your caffeine intake. Even if you consume your caffeine in what you think are moderate doses, it can still have long-term effects on your health. 

In summary, you should consume everything in moderation. If you can, drink more water when you have caffeine cravings. It will take time to get used to the idea, but it should save your life in the future. It is important for you to take note of what your kids are consuming. Because whether you believe it or not, caffeine addiction can also harm your kids.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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