Semion Kronenfeld

Semion Kronenfeld: What is the New Normal in Canadian Residential Construction

The Canadian construction industry is one that experiences many changes and shifts, especially when it comes to the residential construction industry.

With the effects of the pandemic still lingering on the economy of the country, experts across the field, such as SemionKronenfeld, are making predictions on the state of the new normal, and how to adapt to these changes in order to see a maximum profit.

The Changes of the COVID-era

The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic introduced a variety of major changes to the residential construction industry, the effects of which permeated every sphere of the market and continued to grow and evolve as regulations continued to adapt to the new normal. Among the biggest of such changes were shifted in which projects and services were allowed to continue throughout quarantine conditions, as well as changes to project deadlines and litigation. In addition, a major emphasis was placed on updated health and safety regulations, both on and off-site.

Many residential construction sites experienced closures and delays, leading to a decline in the available workforce across the country, as well as a decline in client and contractor investment. Veterans of the construction industry, such as SemionKronenfeld, were among the population of experienced professionals able to use their knowledge of the past to make predictions for the future, planning ahead for the next stage in the industry.

The State of Residential Construction in 2021

Following the immediate effects of the pandemic, 2021 began with a slow recovery from the downgrades and restructuring of the industry 2020. Following an extended period of as many people adopting the reality of remote work as possible, a divide began to form amongst construction professionals between embracing the newly digital age and its tools, and a reluctance to plan for the possibilities of a fully digital future in construction.

As a whole, this shift to the digital opened up many opportunities for construction professionals in the residential construction industry. While issues in the Canadian supply chain continued to affect the industry, the majority of job sites became safer and more efficient, due to a combination of updated safety standards and a shift towards automation.

Planning Ahead for the Industry Success

Planning ahead for the future of the residential construction market is imperative in order to secure the momentum that is beginning to return in the growth of the industry. The most important tool when it comes to planning ahead in this capacity is the ability to create new resources that are able to not only manage any remaining stages of crisis or uncertainty but also create new opportunities and room for financial growth and data collection.

All in all, the ability to look towards to future and understand the importance of combining present knowledge and lessons learned with accurate predictions for what is to come is perhaps the most valuable and critical skill for construction professionals securing growth in Canada’s residential construction industry. Seasoned professionals, such as Semion Kronenfeld, are among those able to incorporate what they have learned into what they have planned, taking advantage of their environment to craft the best of both worlds.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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