Paneer is a staple diet for numerous people in India. It serves as an ideal substitute for non-vegetarian food and tastes every bit as nice. Many dishes can be prepared using paneer, starting from appetizers to the main course. The paneer butter masala recipe is a traditional Indian dish served with bread and/or rice. 

Sometimes going to a restaurant is a far-fetched idea. In such situations having a restaurant-style paneer butter masala recipe at hand will be of assistance. Besides, you can adjust the quantities if you are following a low-calorie diet. 

There are several paneer butter masala recipes available online. Chime into the one that seems easy to imitate while also focusing on the taste and reviews. An easy-to-follow recipe will make the process seamless and allow you to prepare the concoction more often. The paneer butter masala recipe is creamy, soft, and full of flavor. It is a front-runner owing to its deliciousness. 


1) A tablespoon of oil 

2) 2 green cardamoms or more if you like the taste

3) A cup of onions, diced

4) 1.5 cups of tomatoes finely diced

5) 3/4 teaspoon of salt, plus you could adjust according to your liking

6) 3/4 teaspoon brown sugar, which is optional 

7) 12-14 cashews

8) 3/4 to 1 teaspoon red chili powder 

9) 1 teaspoon of garam masala 

10) 1 teaspoon coriander powder 


1) Tej patta 

2) Cinnamon 

3) Cloves 


1) 1.5 tablespoon butter 

2) 1.5 teaspoon ginger and garlic paste (finely crushed) 

3) 200-250 gms paneer

4) 1 teaspoon Kasturi methi

5) Nearly 3-4 tablespoons of heavy cream 

6) Lastly, coriander/cilantro for garnishing


1) Commence by heating the oil in a skillet and adding in the cardamoms. 

2) Subsequently, add a cup of diced onions and stir fry them until they become transparent.

3) Next, you will add 1.5 cups of diced tomatoes along with salt and saute it for 3 minutes. The quantity of salt depends on your taste.

4) Place a lid on top of the skillet and allow the onions and tomatoes to cook correctly. They must become mushy by the end.

5) Now, add in the garam masala along with the coriander powder and the cashew nuts. Finally, sprinkle the red chili powder and add the sugar if you like. 

6) Let the spices marinate with the vegetables until it becomes aromatic. It should take about 2-3 minutes.

7) Post this, turn the stove off and let the concoction cool down completely. 

8) Gather a blender and pour the ingredients into it. Mix it with a cup of water and blend it into a smooth paste. If it does not seem silky enough, use a filter and set the blend in another bowl. 


1) Use the same skillet and a dash of butter in it. You can now add in the optional ingredients (cardamom, bay leaf, and cloves). 

2) Add the ginger garlic paste and saute for a minute. 

3) Next, pour in the puree, add 1/4 teaspoon red chili powder, and not overcook it. 

4) Keep an eye on the gravy and prevent it from overcooking. Sprinkle Kasturi methi and turn the flame off. Add cream and serve it hot. 


This is a simple recipe that will allow you to enjoy a restaurant-like experience at home.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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