Leo Li

Leo Li on the Universality of Clothes

Who are you?

My name is Leo Li. I’m a fashion designer, stylist, and influencer passionate about crazy and creative styles. I’m from Xinjiang, China, but I moved to the states as a teenager and attended school there.

What is your concept of fashion?

            Fashion is as universal as language, emotion, and love. These concepts should be shared, accessible, appreciated, and created for everyone. Fashion, like food, shelter, and human company, should be shared, as everyone deserves to partake.

What should fashion look like today?

Fashion should be all-inclusive. I often visit fashion events, such as New York Fashion Week, where I witness many high-end and luxurious looks. As astonished and inspired as I always am when I find these things, it can feel discouraging when the rest of the world cannot share in the fun.

How would you change fashion on a large scale?

I plan to take the expensive and exclusive styles and make them inclusive and shared by everyone. I believe the world has so many ideas and thoughts to offer the fashion industry, and I hope to collaborate with artists around the world to change the name of fashion.

Instead of the industry focusing on making sparkly dresses that only A-list celebrities can wear, I see fashion someday placing more focus on combining these high-end looks with the attainability of casual streetwear. Instead of the fashion market being lopsided, I see its wealth being shared amongst every country and culture.

I would like to see different cultures integrating their styles. I have traveled a lot recently, picking up different modes of dress and design from different places. It has opened my eyes to the plethora of wonders that could be integrated into fashion. We are missing out on a lot if we are not expanding our wardrobe with new, open-minded research and investigation.

What are your plans?

I intend to share my style at Milan Fashion Week soon. I will be traveling with some friends, and we plan to take stock of our favorite styles while we are there. I hope to see something new, innovative, and unique that tries to work outside contemporary high fashion’s bounds, universalizing it.

Leojeany is a fashion photography and styling company based in Manhattan that offers customized photo sessions, personal style tips, makeup services, and more.

Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leojeany/?hl=en
Contact Leo Li at

Company Socials: @leoliofficial

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

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