Is Your Web Design Ready for the Page Experience Update?

Back in May of 2020, Google announced that it was planning to release a set of changes and improvements the way the Google search algorithm ranks websites known as the Page Experience Update. The announcement stated that the updates would go live in 2021, and it is just about time for the Page Experience Update to make waves all across the digital marketplace.

While it might not seem like a big deal for an update to go live regarding Google’s search algorithm, it would be wise to consider the fact that most people are content to do their shopping in the comfort of their homes. In a year where people are still staying indoors due to the pandemic, just about any business owner out there can expect that most of their revenue will come from online services — a trend that is sure to continue past 2021.

It does not have to be said how crucial the Google search engine is, as it is the most popular search engine on the Internet. Most people will make searches through Google, and if the business does not rank high enough, it is likely that they will be overshadowed entirely by their peers. Without the help of experts such as those specializing in Louisville web design, it can be challenging to compete with most other companies.

Why the Page Experience Update matters

Just about every company that has delved into search engine optimization (SEO) or just about any type of digital marketing campaign is curious about the Page Experience Update, as it can change the way certain types of SEO solutions work. For example, keeping a website optimized has often relied on different strategies, as well as a focus on gaining as much traffic and traction as possible. In the past, such methods have been the way the algorithm handles the ranking system.

The Page Experience Update makes a big change by adding many more factors involving the user experience (UX) into the fray. While it has always been crucial as the ideal UX allows for repeat visits and helps build a relationship with online visitors, the update seeks to make the ideal UX within the website as part of the algorithm process.

What is the goal of the Page Experience Update?

While there are likely plenty of reasons why the algorithm is set to be updated, perhaps the primary reason would be to improve the user-friendliness of many websites. It is quite similar to the way SEO solutions were utilized back in the nineties when it got oversaturated by companies with bad habits — leading to the rise of spam and many other intrusive tactics. Fortunately, SEO has grown quite a bit since then, and the methods are much more geared toward user-friendliness in general.

That said, many companies that keep track of the usefulness of their SEO marketing strategies will likely notice that user-friendliness is still not the primary aspect of SEO. At the end of the day, it is still about selling products and services, and there will always be a more streamlined way of getting the job done.

What the Page Experience Update essentially does is to limit the number of companies that rely too much on other aspects of web optimization to get to the top of the rankings. By all intents and purposes, it is a fair update that will help put some best-practice methods back into the limelight.

What would those best-practice methods be?

For those utilizing reliable and experts such as those from Louisville web design companies, the process can be quite easy and ensures that the company can future-proof their website when the update finally goes live. For business owners interested in fully preparing for the update, some tips include:

  • Improving the overall site speed. One of the primary aspects of web optimization and UX would be limiting loading times across the board. Not every business owner realizes that some of the issues that can cause slow loading times come from high-quality images and general site infrastructure. The quality has to be just right so that it does not end up bogging down the site. The infrastructure is also crucial as the algorithm searches for web design not just through content but through the layout.
  • Keeping things short and sweet. An organized website that delivers short but informative messages will always outperform a website with long-winded explanations. That said, long-form content is not necessarily a bad thing — for example, long-form content is known to be much more useful for blogs and articles, and they have a habit of doing much better than shorter articles. Leave the short messages to the website layout and the walls of text to the blogs and articles, and things will balance out.
  • Making it easy for the mobile market. One of the strangest things about the online business marketplace is that not enough company owners are taking advantage of the mobile platform. There are already many companies there that make use of online marketplaces such as Shopify, especially those who do not have an effective mobile platform. When the Page Experience Update goes live, companies that can keep the mobile crowd happy will be the ones to benefit the most.

Fortunately, many of the methods above are already being practiced by various web design and SEO specialists, which means that many companies can expect to take advantage of the update without experiencing too much of a hassle. However, many others are in danger of falling into obscurity if they do not put more of a focus on UX solutions.

The bottom line

Does the Page Update Experience have the capacity to make big changes in the SEO market? The short answer is that it most definitely does. However, those that are already doing their best to ensure that online users have a satisfactory experience with their website have little to worry about. As a matter of fact, the Page Update Experience might even be the ideal upgrade to help companies already working on user-friendly methods to get to the top of the search rankings.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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