
How to use AI to improve your Video Marketing Strategy?

In this world, we rely too much on technology to complete our daily tasks or make our work easier and better. Amongst all the new-age technology, the most extensively used and emerging technology is Artificial Intelligence. Right from the beginning, when this technology came into existence, it brought a stir to the market. People were unable to understand the full capacity of this technology. Still, but with the knowledge they had, they knew this technology will make a great impact in the future. 

We are here in the future now, and AI is not just empowering the IT firms, but it is making a lot of other things more accessible, that otherwise would have been difficult to handle. In today’s world, we have AI-driven cameras to a complete car being controlled by this technology. With its potential, AI would be highly beneficial for video marketing strategy as well. Here is how you can improve your business if you use AI in your video marketing strategy. 

Also, there are a lot of online video editors like this one here that have AI already integrated into their programs and strategies. 

Go through the following tips for using AI:

  1. Provides higher reach

An ideal strategy is the one that gives you a higher reach, better engagement, and a good number of impressions. If you integrate AI in your video marketing strategies, you are only calling for good business. The AI-driven programs are advanced and better than the others because they give you a lot of analytics and understanding about the market scenarios and your competitors. In today’s time, people rely on video content to entertain themselves and gain knowledge. With the integration of AI, your consumer gets to watch additional videos that will give them a holistic experience and a complete knowledge of the videos they are watching. 

All the search engines and social media platforms are currently working on algorithms where they suggest similar videos after analyzing the activities of every customer. If you are a wise brand manager, you can take advantage of this algorithm and use it for your benefit. E.g., in a recent study, it was noticed that close to 5 million videos are watched all over the world every day. This is the data of one platform; brands are eyeing on similar platforms in order to strengthen or make their presence felt. 

  1. Helps in saving time

It is not just the customer who gets all the benefits from AI-integrated strategies but also the brand. If you are a video creator, there are gigabytes of data from which you have to select a few good shots to create a video. This can take time; a lot of time, but with the introduction of AI in the system, you can quickly finish this task. There are services such as auto tags that can help in tagging the right attributes for each section of every video. 

  1. It increases the conversion rate.

It is a fact that people devote about one-third of their time watching videos every day. This accounts for a significant time in a week and better in a month. While watching the video, irrespective of the platform, we know that every platform plugs advertisements in the videos. If your video marketing strategy is AI-driven, you will never bore your customer. The technology will target only those who have either searched about the product or services that you provide. Your ads will be shown time and again to those who are looking for the same. When this happens for quite some time, it is seen that people usually buy the product. The reason being, people find it comfortable to understand a product or service while watching it rather than reading on a website. So including AI will improve the conversion rate of your customers.

  1. Draws people from social media

Another benefit of having AI in your marketing strategy is that it not just draws customers from one platform but from everywhere. Suppose, a person searches anything related to your services or products on any social media platform; in that case, the technology will start showing the person your videos so that he is intrigued time and again. This will happen subtly so that the customer doesn’t get pestered, and your brands’ name also gets fed in his memory. Collecting all the data, analyzing the behavior of your customer, and AI will do things like these at ease. You will only have to deal with the customer by providing him with all the support he wants. 

  1. Real-Time Updates

For every brand, getting real-time updates is a boon. To clear all the skies, this is possible in today’s world and can be done only by using AI in the marketing strategy. AI can extract, analyze, and give feedback on all the videos of a brand. The best part about this technology is that it gives every information in real-time. Which means the data or stats you are getting now is a real-time stat?

Promotion or running a video on an AI-driven platform makes it exceptionally flexible for you to tweak a video, be it small or big. Right from minor to major, tweaking can be done easily and quickly on such platforms. 


The more you know about such helpful technologies, the better it becomes for you to run your business. These technologies are your companions that can help in getting better revenue by boosting your business. If you are looking for beneficial and unique video marketing strategies, you can use InVideo for help.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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