How to Get Your Ready Home to Sell

Selling a home is a major life decision. For many homeowners, this is where they’ve lived for many years or even decades. After a time, the present homeowner may realize it is time to move on. For them, it’s time to look for another place to live. In other instances, a new couple may have simply outgrown their starter home. Anyone who is planning to get a home on the market and ready for sale should make sure all the details are in place before they begin. A properly prepared home that is ready for buyers will sell quickly at the asking price.

The Local Markets

One of the first things you’re going to want to know is the local housing market where you live. Your home might be in what is known as a buyer’s or a seller’s market. In a buyer’s market, homes are selling more slowly at less cost. In a seller’s market, the seller holds the upper hand. You should know what you can expect by way of offers on the home once you put it up for sale. You might have a half a dozen offers after the open house or need to wait ut a little longer for the right seller.

Have a Look

After a time, the home may simply fade into the background. Many people are not entirely aware of all the details of their surroundings. They also don’t know what the house will look like to outsiders. This is why it can be helpful to have someone on hand to see it through fresh eyes. Ask a trusted friend to come have a look. They can point out details you might not have noticed before. For example, they’ll see the walk-in closet has natural light while the basement ceiling tiles are a bit stained. Ask for honest feedback from someone you trust.

Get Rid of Clutter

Clutter is fine when it’s just you. If you’re selling your home, this is the last thing your buyers want to see as they walk through it. Move all the things you don’t need right now like winter coats, ski boots and sunglasses somewhere else. Take those charming glass figurines and store them in the basement. Remove all family photos and put them in your drawers. Store your books under the bed. Anything you don’t need right now should not be in your home. If you have items you don’t need at all, donate them to a local organization for the needy or put them for sale on a selling site. You can take a tax deduction or sell it for extra cash to help with moving expense.

Clean Everything

Cleaning is a must. This means all the surfaces of your home before a single buyer steps inside. Get out the mop and clean the kitchen floors. Dust the mantelpiece and all your lighting fixtures. Put any bedding in the wash. Wipe the grime off the windows. You want the entire space to look fresh and new. This should be done after every time you show your house. Look carefully at each area of your home. They might have tracked dirt from a muddy field. Hire a cleaning service to come once a week once the house is on the market and get it in ever better shape.

Paint it All

Paint can be used to make any room in your home look updated. Think about using neutral colors. White adds light to spaces that might otherwise seem dark. It also expands the feel of cramped, small rooms such as a half bath. Use other colors to help show off the home’s best details. A soft hint of pink is right for upstairs bedroom. Sunny yellow makes the kitchen feel like home. Well chosen paint colors make your home stand out in any housing market.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15892

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