How Coomazy’s New Dishwasher Magnet Changed My Kitchen Routine

I have been a mom for many years now, and it can feel impossible to keep up with all of life’s responsibilities. There’s always a chore to be done, a kid to be fed, or an email that needs to be answered. It can get overwhelming! This is why I’m always looking for new ways to make my life more efficient. Time is precious, and you don’t need to waste it redoing the same things over and over. In my life, I felt like I was constantly rewashing the dishes. With so many little hands running around, and a husband that’s gone all day, no one ever got the memo when the dishwasher was clean or dirty.

I was constantly finding dirty dishes in my clean dishwasher. No one in my household seemed to be able to keep up! When I discovered the Coomazy Clean/Dirty Dishwasher Magnet , it quickly became a fan favorite. It’s an affordable addition to my kitchen and surprisingly has relieved so much added stress. My kids find it fun to switch the Dishwasher Magnet from clean to dirty every night when we unload the dishes. It’s even motivating them to help with chores. This Kitchen Magnet attaches to any dishwasher and includes two round maximum strength stickers that are perfect for my stainless steel dishwasher. At first, I was worried about it scratching my appliances, but it’s completely scratch-proof. This clean/dirty magnet stays on my dishwasher with no problems, even while it’s running.

It’s a cute accessory, and I never expected this to bring me so much relief. My husband even loads his dirty dishes in the dishwasher before work because he can easily tell when they’re dirty. The font on the magnet is bold enough that my little ones, and older mom, can all easily read it. The biggest plus is I don’t find dirty dishes in the dishwasher next to the dishes I already washed! It also keeps me on top of things. Every time I see the clean sign while I’m cooking dinner, I know it’s time to unload the dishes. Overall, the Coomazy Dishwasher Magnet  has made it so easy to keep me and the whole household on the same page about our dishes. I never expected such a small little tool to be so helpful. If you have a big family, young or old, I highly recommend this dishwasher magnet. Even if you live with roommates, this is a great way to encourage your household to do their part in the chores. I wish I had this product earlier in my life, and I’ll definitely be ordering it for my family and friends.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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