Clear water of the Bering Sea – the water area of the caviar “Vostochny Bereg” (East coast)

The Bering Sea separates the largest continents of Eurasia and America. It is located north of the Pacific Ocean and is divided by the Aleutian and Commander Islands. The ecosystem of the Bering Sea is in excellent condition. That is why the fishing industry is significantly developed here. The coastal waters of Kamchatka, for the most part, retain their natural character and are classified as clean. The choice of a place to produce red caviar and fish processing at the company “Vostochny Bereg” (East coast) was evident. In the clear waters of the East coast of Kamchatka, it was here that built a full-cycle fish processing plant.

During the last ice age, the Bering Sea served as a kind of gateway from Asia to North America. It is one of the most productive and diverse marine reservoirs in the modern world. The incredible fauna of the Bering Sea includes over 50 species of seabirds, 29 species of whales, dolphins, and other mammals, and over 400 species of fish. Polar bears prey on the sea ice, and the volcanic islands are covered with seabirds. This is one of the best wildlife spots today.

The Bering Sea has attracted people with its productivity and wealth for thousands of years, despite the cold winters and remoteness. The consequences of fishing and climate change have left a mark on this beautiful corner of the planet. Therefore, environmentalists have always paid close attention to this region. Thanks to this, the Bering Sea retains its purity and uniqueness to this day. The gifts of this northern sea are genuinely priceless. Knowing that caught the raw materials of fish products in these waters, you can be calm about their quality and valuable properties.

The complex of seasonal action “Vostochny Bereg” (East coast) is the largest producer of salmon roe in Russia and one of the most reliable exporters of its products, having massive geography of partners. The reputation earned over the years has brought the company’s products to the highest level of trust. This is mainly due to the fish, the raw material for production, mined in the rich and environmentally friendly waters of the Karaginsky Bay, the Bering Sea.

The fine caviar of Far Eastern salmon fish is famous for its nutritious and beneficial qualities. Modern realities have proven that East Coast caviar is not just a product that is a sign of luxury but also a superfood endowed with many microelements that benefit your health.

The uniqueness of the technology for the production of red caviar “Vostochny Bereg” (East coast) is another confirmation that you will receive a high-quality, fresh, environmentally friendly product. Since the entire production cycle takes place in the fishing area, “Vostochny Bereg” (East coast) controls the quality and safety of products at every stage. And freshness is achieved by time – only 4 hours pass from catch to packaging.

The unique collaboration of the ecologically clean waters of the Bering Sea and the advanced technologies of the “Vostochny Bereg” (East coast) company has become a guarantee – you get red caviar on your table, which has unique properties and great taste, always fresh, without the use of flavorings and preservatives.

Bering Seafood is the premier distributor of red caviar “Vostochny Bereg” (East coast) produced by the Kamchatka region in the USA.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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