Face verification

A Guide on How to Do Face Verification Online

Face verification is a process of using a person’s face as an identifier. It is a security measure used in biometric authentication. Biometric authentication uses the unique biological features of a person as a way to authenticate and verify their identity. It can be a face, fingerprints, voice, iris of the eyes, thumbprint, etc. Face verification can be used for security systems, customer onboarding, KYC/AML compliances.

All the businesses are required under the law to perform KYC on all their customers before doing any business with them. Face verification can be a feasible solution for that. Before getting in detail about how useful the face verification process is, let us first learn how to face verification actually works.

The Process of Face Verification

Face verification has lately been proven an effective biometric method. It is easy to use and AI machine learning is making this process more accurate than ever. The use of face for the verification process does leave any space for loopholes. Here is how the face verification process occurs:

●     Face Matching

In this process, a person’s face is screened in real-time and it is matched with the picture of a previously submitted ID document. The authenticity of the ID document is also checked through document verification to ensure that the ID document was real and not stolen. This way even if the criminal is using someone else’s identity they cannot steal the face of that person. Their face will not match and the system will be alerted of the fraudulent attempt.

●     Liveness Detection

Through liveness detection, the physical presence of the customer is verified. The person is supposed to move their head or do some minor tasks like blinking their eyes. This minor movement is detected and it ensures that the person is available physically and no picture, printed photo, or mask is being used for spoof attack. When a video verification process occurs, the customer is asked to capture a video of themselves with minor movement like moving their head or smiling or blinking. This shows that the real person is making a video.

●     Video KYC

It is the basic KYC process of identifying the customer but on a video call with a KYC expert. On the video call, the KYC expert asks the person to move their head and answer a few questions. This is also done to make sure that the real person is on the video call and no previously taken video is being shown. The face of the person is also verified through liveness detection and then it is verified against the ID documents.

●     3D Depth Perception

This step is the most important one as it finishes all the loopholes for the fraudsters. In this, a picture or video of the customer is uploaded. Then that video or picture is screened for the unique facial features. It deeply analyses the picture or video just in case if the criminal is using the stolen identity of a person with similar features as their own. It focuses on the contour point and edges of the face to make sure that there are no 3D masks, pictures, or pictures of the screen is shown.

Use of Face Verification

The face verification process has helped a lot of businesses, especially financial institutions in fighting crimes. It is the most useful way of biometric authentication as it can be used to catch criminals through street cameras. The financial industry is facing huge impacts of identity theft and face verification is playing a key role in fighting against the identity scams. It can be used to verify the stolen identity, fake identity, synthetic identity, and ghost identity. Financial, retail, legal, financial, e-commerce, banks, etc. all can now use face verification online to their advantage.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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