Physio Rozelle Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain: What to Expect

When you have lengthy pain (also known as chronic pain) or an accident, physical therapy is typically the greatest option. It can assist you to become tougher, move more freely, and feel good. Request a referral from your physician for a physical therapist. For the greatest results, you’ll definitely require a series of sessions, and you should do some of the workouts at house. Physio Rozelle at Incline Health has extensive education and training. Still, it’s a good idea to inquire about their expertise working with people who have experienced similar issues to yours. You can also inquire about the number of sessions required. 

What is the role of physical therapy in the treatment of pain? 

Physical therapists are professionals in both treating and preventing pain. Yours will check for areas of weakness or stiffness that could be increasing to the load on the painful areas. They’ll also prescribe activities to help you move better and relieve pain in certain places. 

During a physical therapy session, you might practice a combination of the following: 

Aerobic exercise with a low impact:- These exercises will raise your heart rate while also being gentle on your joints. Instead of jogging, you might warm up by walking fast or riding a stationary bike before doing your muscular activities. 

Exercising for strength:- You can utilize equipment, resistance bands, or your own body weight at your physical therapist’s workplace (think squats, lunges, and pushups). You can target your core muscles (glutes, belly, and back) as well as other body areas. 

Exercising to relieve pain:- These exercises will strengthen and stretch the parts of your body where you suffer discomfort, making it easier for you to live your life. 

Stretching:- This will be light, and your therapist will please ensure you’re warmed up and don’t overstretch. You may be given workouts to do at the house by your physical therapist. 

Is There Anything Else I Could Do? 

Your therapist may also employ the following techniques throughout your sessions: 

Heat and ice packs:- Ice helps to reduce inflammation. Warmth allows your muscles to move more freely. Both are effective pain relievers. 

Massage:- Remember that a massage on an injured, sore, or hurt area may not feel soothing. However, your therapist will take extreme care to ensure that it is both secure and beneficial for you. If you obtain one from someone other than them, tell them about your pain before you begin your session. 

Ultrasound and TENS:- TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, is a technique that involves applying a low-voltage electric charge to the skin over the painful location. Ultrasound waves are directed to painful locations. Both may provide pain relief by preventing pain signals from reaching your brain. 

Is It Going to Hurt? 

Physical treatment should not be painful and will be completely safe. Physical treatment, on the other hand, can be difficult because you’ll be using areas of your body that are wounded or in chronic pain. Deep tissue massage or Stretching, for example, may cause soreness. Conclusion:- Every person may react differently to therapy. Your plan is influenced by your body type, everyday exercises, alignment, and behaviors. If you stick with it, you’ll reap the rewards.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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