5 trends of the digital marketing to focus in 2022

Live broadcasts

As we know, 2020 has been the year of live events, webinars, conferences… Due to many problems, many brands are pre-recording their Lives to keep control over quality and contingencies.

There were a lot of mistakes: webinars, dematerialized fairs, visits or JPO… The interest is not to talk only about your product, but above all to talk about concrete subjects that concern your target. I think these events will continue, knowing that it will soon be possible to buy during a live broadcast. Live streaming became bigger and bigger over the last two years. YouTube and Twitch are dominants in this space. So, you should focus on these platforms. For instance, start live streaming on YouTube. Get ready to buy YouTube likes before the start of the stream to boost the video’s presence to the algorithm and get more attention from the organic search users.

Audio / Podcasts

The format is not new, but there has been a popularization of podcasts and a rise in audio (note the arrival of ClubHouse). Audio passively becomes part of our way of life, so it’s easier to consume this type of content. Today it is still possible to find a place in the podcast market (800K podcasts VS + 400 million blogs) and build an audience.

Automation of advertisements

For 2 years, the automation of ads has not stopped evolving: dynamic creative content, dynamic ads, automatic placements, optimization of the campaign budget… Facebook sincerely thinks that its algorithm is more smarter than humans to target your target.

Today we are encouraged to spend less time creating and optimizing our campaigns, however it is strongly advised to spend more time thinking about your strategy, the diversity of content, the creativity of content. And it is this last point that will make all the difference with your competitors.

The end of third-party cookies

The death of third-party cookies is announced in 2022 on the Google Chrome browser (the most popular browser). Apple has already started with its IOS 14 update which asks for explicit consent to collect and share data using the Ads ID.

Today’s Facebook conversion API allows sharing of key web and offline events, customer actions directly from your server. It is certain that this will still evolve and that it will be necessary to follow this information closely to optimize its Facebook and Instagram ads campaigns.

Augmented reality advertising

Facebook is testing augmented reality ads. We will soon be able to virtually try on a lipstick or a cap through the camera of our smartphone. It’s a real feat that will strongly support interactive advertising and mobile-first.

We often hear marketers and communicators who are still hesitant about their presence on a platform. Most of the trends mentioned are already implemented by big brands, but SMEs still have a long way to go. If you are one, it is important to remember that engagement is the most important factor, regardless of the social network or platform. We advise you to try these different points in your strategy.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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