Online Tools to Aid in Web Content Checking

10 Online Tools to Aid in Web Content Checking

Impeccable content is what everyone in the writing trade looks after. A professional writer can do the job, but, unfortunately, no one is perfect: there is no such writer who can supply perfect copies in a short time.

The writing style is the first most important thing that makes content valuable. The ability to catch the attention of readers, retain it, and make them feel thankful for the experience they got is so much sought after because, in the end, it means one word to marketers: conversion.

Grammar mistakes, typos, and weird word choice are just a few things that make content less credible. Everyone is unhappy with such low-quality content. A webmaster is unhappy to host it because it does not really drive more traffic, and the readers are not happy to read another copy of a copy (which is written in a poor language, by the way).

There should be no doubt that the content you host is valuable and credible, which is why, as soon as you strike a perfect writing pitch, you must take care of the small annoying mistakes. Proofreading will help to reveal the latter.

Take a look at these great tools that were designed to automate proofreading gigs.


Have you ever wondered why Grammarly has got so much popularity all over the world? Is it because of a heavy ad campaign or, on the contrary, because of Grammarly’s great performance?

I have no idea, for sure. What I know is that Grammarly ads are lovely, and its writing tools indeed provide so much assistance for people who deal with writing on a daily basis.

“I write pretty much all day, every day…” – if this is true about you, certainly check Grammarly out.

It will detect typos and inconsistencies, British or American spelling variants, sentence structure mistakes, styles, and more.

You will probably be pleased to read their emails with your weekly writing statistics! Writing gets so much more satisfying with these!

Besides, it has a built-in Plagiarism checker and can be integrated into Google docs or any other web service with the help of browser extensions. We have Grammarly on the top of our list for a good reason.


To go a little bit of scientific, use

This tool is meant to serve you as an online English Grammar Handbook. It provides some in-depth grammar explanations along with suggestions on how to improve the quality of writing. Examples included! Either as a means to enrich one’s vocabulary or a handy reminder on how to compose that tricky conditional sentences type three, Academized is the go-to web resource.


Automated tools are all well and good, but when it comes to a piece of writing, you really care about, they are often not enough. It takes a couple of runs with the tools in question, and you’ll see for yourself that the suggestions they provide happen to be inadequate or misplaced.

A professional human proofreader, on the other hand, has a better grasp of English. On they know that long sentences and passive voice are not exclusively bad.

Besides, software tools do not check facts and logical coherence of papers.

Easy Word Count

You may feel a big deal surprised to discover a website that counts words online. The website instructions elucidate the matter: if you don’t use word processors that display the word count on the go for you, then use this tool: copy-paste your text or type directly into the respective text field.

Hemingway Editor

This one is featured on a lot of writer websites. It has a simple, intuitive interface, displays the text readability score, approximate reading time, and various other stats.

The guideline on how to start working with the tool is right in front of you on the homepage. There is no need to skim through piles of manuals in order to start working on your text more readable and reach certain preset milestones.

Cite It In

True to its name, the tool provides help with the sources you used to create your own writing. Doing it all manually is a bit of a bummer, right? Let an algorithm sort it out for you. Or just order a written paper ar, it’s always a paper.

Proof Guru

Those of you who like software that works right out of the box will like Proof Guru. It is easy to start working with on Windows, and it works in MS Word.

With some customization, Proof Guru will help you to tailor your content to particular users by making fit a particular style.

It is also free. What a relief!

Polish My Writing (or After The Deadline)

This nice open-source checker does the usual routines on your text: checks it for typos and grammar errors, detects cliches and passive voice, finds repetitions, and biased language. In short, it saves you some time you would rather spend doing it yourself.

WordPress users can just install After The Deadline as a plugin.

The tool also features a built-in style check to verify that your text complies with Plain English style.

Online Proofreader

Although the user must first subscribe to use it and can only enjoy a 7-day trial without subscription fees, the tool is pretty diverse and useful.

You will notice highlighted phrases or sentences all over your essay: these are the places where Proofreader found potential issues or has a suggestion to offer. Every suggestion is immediately visible on the sidebar. Because your texts are stored in a personal account, you can revisit them later.

Also available as a browser extension. One mystery remains: why choose such a mundane name for it?


Although we have listed ten different tools that help you with proofreading, the question you probably have is, how are these tools different from each other? Obviously, all of them check the text one way or another.

So what is special about LanguageTool? Just follow the link, and you will surely be impressed. It works with 20 languages and looks for logical errors in the text whenever possible.

Serious businesses may buy access to the Developer API and automate mass checking of loads of texts. At the same time, ordinary users can check reasonably small chunks of text for free.

Now we’re done! Your readers will appreciate a polished and informative piece of content, so after all, these tools should not be underestimated!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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