dental implants

Why would people need dental implants?

Regardless of age, many people have issues with their teeth. The tooth may have been removed because of rotting, or it could be it was broken after an accident. Very few would choose those removal dentures; they instead have their gaps fitted with a permanent implant. If you don’t have issues with your gum or some sickness that may bring healing problems, and your bone structure is good, then you’re a perfect candidate for an implant. 

Dental implants will help you regain your oral health and improve your overall quality of life. Continue reading and see why more people are going for dental implants.

Natural look

A dental implant is a complete replica of your teeth. Thus, it is designed to ensure you’re comfortable in it. With an implant or even cosmetic dental, you’ve the confidence to smile, eat and even engage with friends without worrying about how your teeth look. How would it feel when you’re with friends, and you can’t laugh aloud just because you aren’t confident of your look? It can be very discomfiting. Just see your dentist and let them carry out the procedure for a better outlook. 


When you’re are seeing a reputable dental care clinic like Cal Dental Group for an implant, they’ll take you through some guidelines on how to take care of your oral health, especially after the implant. When you properly care for your teeth, it’ll last for as long as you wish. That means you won’t keep popping in and out of the clinics for repairs and replacements. 

High rate of success

When teeth implants are planned and cared for, the dental procedure is successful. Implants success rate is very high compared to other replacement options, and with new technologies coming in, the success rate will continue to improve. Before you go for an implant, you’ve to ensure that you’re in good health. That will guarantee success and a high rate of recovery.

Improved eating and chewing ability

Just like natural teeth, dental implants are anchored on your jaw bone. Thus they help in preserving your jaw bone with time while reducing bone absorption. Replacing the teeth will allow you to chew better and improve your speaking. If you’ve missing front teeth, you know how great an implant can be in improving your speech and doing some bites.

 Facial and bone features improvement

A dental implant will preserve the natural tooth tissue, and therefore, you don’t have to cut down adjacent teeth for bridgework. The bone is preserved, and bone absorption/deterioration is significantly reduced. Thus you’ve no loss of jaw bone weight. Dental implants reduce the load on the oral structures and therefore restoring your jaw bone structure. The nature of tooth tissue is consequently preserved, and the deterioration that leads to loss of jaw bone height is prevented. 

Many people go for dental implants or orthodontic treatment for many reasons. Many are usually keen on the procedure’s corrective aspect, but more to that, you’ve your aesthetics improved and your jaw bone protected. A reputable dentist will help. All you need to do is be clear on what you want and agree with the specialist.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15888

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