You’ve found yourself on YouTube and clips of Tony Baker have you absolutely cracking up. That’s when it hits you. Having a comedian, maybe even Tony himself, is going to be the it-factor that takes your showcase to the next level. Don’t stress, doing this is more possible than you might realize.
If you understand that the right comedic talent is what your showcase needs, thanks to all the digital resources at our fingertips, making this a reality is more possible than you might have guessed. Curious how to make it happen? Don’t worry because we’ve got a few different routes to get you exactly where you want to be.
Booking Sites
If you aren’t often looking to bring guests into the mix, you might not know about all the options you have online. There’s a multitude of sites purpose built to connect you to any type of entertainer. Browse around, and as you’re doing that you’ll be able to sort by comedians in particular and you might be surprised as to who you find.
If you’re going through this route, make sure to keep distance in mind. Odds are, many potential choices will be happy to travel but them having to do so might come at an extra cost. An added plus here is that you’ll be able to see the dates everyone you’re considering is available and if you have a few great contenders, that might help your choosing once it’s down to those final few.
Social Media
If you have someone that you think would just be perfect, there’s the chance you don’t get an answer back, but reach out on whichever social media platform they might be on. It’s absolutely possible they love the idea you send their way and quickly, they’ll be set as a focal point of your upcoming showcase.
It might even be a smarter idea to reach out to them through more public means, like tweeting at them for example. It’s easy to think things will get lost in the mix that way, but if they see all this support, through likes and retweets, they may be more likely to do it than if you just tried for that simple one-on-one conversation.
Reach Out To Agents
This might feel a little old school next to the other options here, but it might be the very thing that gets you your dream choice. With a little searching around on the internet, you should be able to find out who represents your favorites. You might even be surprised to learn that multiple choices of yours are repped by the same agency.
If you can get a conversation with the right person, do so with a plan in mind. Have everything laid out and make a solid offer. If you can convince them that being a part of your showcase is the right move for their client professionally, they will be sure to convince their client as soon as possible.