This post is written for parents, however, if you’re a student looking for guidance on whether or not to employ a tutor, this article may be helpful.

So, let me start by saying that you, as a parent, can give your child a great boost by hiring a tutor, but knowing when and why to do so can be a difficult decision, and it isn’t necessarily based on academics. There are a few occasions in which I believe a tutor may have the most impact on a student’s life, and it is up to the parents to find out when those times are. So keep reading to discover whether any of these scenarios apply to you or your children.

When Parental Support Turns Negative

It may seem strange, but too much parental help might actually stifle development. The term “helicopter parents” is all the rage these days, and there are certainly parents out there who want to micromanage every aspect of their children’s life. Don’t do it. There is a wealth of literature on the advantages of granting certain liberties to children. Read Lenore Skenazy’s Free-Range Kids: How to Raise Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts with Worry) and see what you think. It may be beneficial for you to refrain from being overly involved in your child’s schooling.

Now, let me be clear: you should be concerned about your child’s educational progress and post-secondary career prospects. You should be concerned about his or her academic performance. You should talk about setting goals. However, refrain from offering too much assistance with homework, assignments, and other school-related duties. A tutor can help in this case. You’re still involved in your child’s education and providing for their needs…without sticking your nose too far into the mix. Imagine if everyone of you parents had your mother or father going through your homework and tasks with you. Argh. No, these are things that should be left to tutors.

When It’s Difficult to Communicate with Your Kids

Sometimes your children simply do not want to listen to their parents. It’s a totally normal component of adolescent behaviour, and most teenagers rebel because they believe their individuality is being taken away from them and they are forced to adapt to cultural conventions. That is something I understand. However, despite the fact that you’ve walked down the same route as your son or daughter, it can be difficult to get your point across as a parent. A chasm can build fast between parents and children, especially if your children believe you are attempting to push them in a specific direction that they don’t want.

If you find yourself in the situation described above, hiring a tutor may be a good choice. In a manner that parents cannot, a tutor can assist focus your son or daughter by providing an objective, perhaps sympathetic, ear. And it is the role of a tutor—at least, any tutor worth his or her salt—to help students create goals and attain them. When a parent tries to do so, he or she may come out as preachy or even obnoxious. Consider hiring a tutor if your child believes you are attempting to affect their destiny.

When Professors Aren’t Enough

This is a more traditional requirement that a tutor can fulfil. And, to be honest, teachers are already overworked; they have a difficult job, and pupils lag behind at times. Don’t blame the instructor; there could be a number of reasons why your child is falling behind, including an overburdened schedule, a part-time job, too much homework, personal relationships, and even family concerns. Parents, on the other hand, must recognize—and preferably recognise quickly—that their child has fallen behind. A poor report card, a call from a worried instructor, or even a honest talk may be required to comprehend what has occurred.

This situation, in my opinion, can be divided into two categories: behavioural concerns and application concerns. Because you have a bright child with little to no ambition and/or desire, dealing with behavioural difficulties is more difficult. This is a problem that I believe affects more boys than girls, and it has to do with goal-setting. If your youngster is continuously frustrated and says things like, “I’ll never use this,” it’s time to intervene. You lack goal setting if you ask yourself, “Why do I need to learn this?” Make determining a goal a priority for your tutor during those initial sessions, or you risk experiencing similar issues in the future.

It all comes down to learning style when it comes to application concerns. The course content was not provided in a way that resonated with your son or daughter for whatever reason. Consider your children’s personalities when determining which learning styles will succeed or fail, and share this information with your instructor. Here’s an example of something that happened to me last week during a skype session: I was explaining how to organise essay openings, and my student read his introduction to me three times before making the adjustments I suggested. Because he is not a visual learner, I had him enter his introduction into skype chat, and I made the changes for him, sending him the revision over IM. Lightbulb goes off. A tutor can provide these opportunities in a way that a 35-student class cannot.

There are a variety of reasons why your child may require tutoring. For starters, you must determine whether you are excessively involved in your child’s life and seek outside help. For example, you may be having difficulties talking with your children and require someone to provide an objective viewpoint that you are unable to provide. Finally, when teachers are insufficient, either due to behavioural or application concerns, you may need to hire a tutor. Leave a comment if I missed any, or if you have a suggestion for a future article, and I’ll see what I can do! ‘ 

If you need a great tutor in Calgary check out GettaTutor Calgary Tutor page.  If you need a great tutor in Edmonton Tutor check out their great Edmonton Tutor page. 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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