Keyword research is the first step towards optimizing your content to hit the first page of search results.
Without keyword research, you can start optimizing your content for low-frequency or incorrect search terms, or trying to compete for a higher SERP with big sites in your area.
The point of keyword research is to find a Best SEO company that will most accurately describe your content, but will not be too high-frequency if you have a small site, and not too low-frequency if you have a large site.
In other words, you need to find a capacious keyword with a frequency suitable for your site, and not too often used by other sites.
There are 3 main factors to consider when analyzing keywords for use in your content:
- The purpose of your site. What do you want your site to say?
- Audience analysis. What does your audience want?
- Competitor analysis. What are your larger and smaller competitors saying?
Your unique offer
Before you start creating content, determine what makes your site or your offering unique. What product, service, or information do you offer that your competitors do not offer? What makes you different?
If you do what your competitors do, then you will not stand out. If you don’t offer a better answer to a user’s query, why would Google put your site on the first page?
Why will visitors go to your site?
You must have the best content that best answers user questions.
How to choose good keywords
If you can’t find good keywords, take a step back and look at your entire offer:
- What is your unique offer?
- Why are you doing this?
- What is the value of your product, what are its strengths?
- What sets you apart from the competition? Where exactly are you better than your competitors?
If you have the answers to these questions, you can find a successful strategy for using keywords to promote your product to the first page of SERPs.
If you have a small site, then you need to find something that big companies have not paid attention to or are not actively doing it.
You don’t need to be better than your competitors in absolutely everything. You need to be better than your competitors at something.
The role of audience in keyword analysis
Find out what words your target audience is using to find the information they are looking for.
For example, if you have an online English school, you might start optimizing your site for the query “online English school”.
But if you analyze your search traffic, you may find that users are more likely to search for “online English courses”, so it’s best to optimize your site for that search term.
This is a conventional example, but the point is that you and your audience have the same terminology.
Competitor analysis
You can come up with the best promotion strategy if you consider your competitors.
Often times, small site owners optimize their content for high-frequency keywords in which they have no chance of competing with large trust sites. And, therefore, get a high position in the search results.
If you have a young site with low traffic, create content for low-frequency requests, from 30 to 300 requests per month.
If you have an average site with several hundred visitors per day, you can create content for average requests of up to 1,000 requests per month.
To get started, you can do a basic analysis of your competitors and niche.
Do some basic Google searches for which you want to rank in the SERP. Compare these sites to yours.
How much higher or lower are these sites? Will you be able to compete with larger sites one day?
Please note : Google displays SERPs based on your personal search history. This means that for you, your site will rank higher in search results than for others.
To eliminate the influence of your search history, make queries in Incognito mode.
In addition, in the usual mode or in the Incognito mode, the geographic factor will affect the search results. To rule it out, try using a VPN to change your region to the region of your potential audience.
Large sites can optimize for higher search terms.
Small and medium-sized sites need to optimize for low-frequency, mid-frequency, and niche queries.
Another good strategy is to start optimizing your content for long key phrases (4 words or more) with little traffic, for example, “evening online English courses in kaluga.”
Once your site has gained some credibility, start optimizing it for more frequent queries. Step by step, one day you will be able to compete in search results for your top high-frequency keywords.
Also Read: Methodology And Use Of Free Keyword Rank Tracking Apps