SEO agency

What is a specialized SEO agency?

An SEO agency is responsible for improving and optimizing the visibility of a digital environment for search engines such as Google. The main goal is that the web portals or digital ecosystems, have the right design, improvements and appropriate optimizations, so that they can position themselves and gain relevance in the target market.

Thanks to this, these environments, once optimized, will attract a more qualified and higher quality audience for the business.

One of the objectives of SEO is to reach the first positions on the Internet to position itself from a particular aspect as required by the brands.

 To achieve this goal, the SEO agency must be able to adapt the website and other relevant aspects of your digital ecosystem to the type of audience that browses it. 

In other words, it must create a project that has achievable and customized objectives for each brand, since each portal is different. 

Logically, another aspect of interest is that the SEO agency must develop a feasible project that is able to maximize the return on investment. 

The goal is to produce long-term gains that will allow to obtain benefits from the good optimization performed in the digital environment.

What does an SEO agency do in 2022?

The work done by an SEO agency also called SEO agencies, can be categorized into two main groups; SEO On Page and SEO Off Page. Logically, there are many more SEO tasks such as backlink management, content marketing among other more implicit actions for a website, an environment or digital ecosystem to achieve a correct positioning, which you will also know below.  

SEO On Page, as SEO service

It is related to what can be done within a portal to make it more competitive in browsers. In general, it deals with technical attributes of the page at the visible level (for the user) and internal, such as:

User experience improvements. 

Working on relevant keywords in content

Improving external links

Improving internal links

Web architecture

Optimize meta tags on websites

Optimize tags at page content level

Optimize web page content or digital environment

Image, link, text and video attribute optimization

Data markup improvement.

Server-side improvements

Improvements at load speed and vital web core level.

Among many other actions that have to do with the information structure of the digital ecosystem and content, in order to improve the visibility and positioning of a brand on the Internet.

Off Page SEO

Here the objective consists of all those actions that directly or indirectly affect our digital environment from actions that can be done outside that environment or website.

For this, the work will be done “outside” the web portal.

One of the most used methods nowadays is to increase the authority and Internet ranking of the website through the management of inbound links (backlinks) creating citations in domains of the same subject, such as reviews, articles and recommendations to ours.

Some off page SEO actions are the following:

Inbound link building (link building)


Brand mentions

Referral traffic from social networks

Local SEO

Comprehensive E.A.T. management (experience, authority and trust)

Share of voice.

These, among others, are the main actions to highlight that a good SEO agency can offer you in this aspect.

But it is not the only thing, you can catalog how professional an SEO provider can be if it presents you with a good growth plan, for example.

Let’s see some aspects that they should offer you in our agencia de seo amarok

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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