Chemical Peel

What Does a Chemical Peel Really Do?

If you’re interested in getting a chemical peel, you’re likely wondering, “What does a chemical peel really do?” This article will cover the ingredients, Downtime, and Side Effects of a chemical peel. Find out what to expect and if it’s right for you. Then, ask your doctor for a consultation and an estimate of your total costs. In addition, you’ll learn about the benefits and side effects of the procedure, as well as the risks involved.


Side effects

Before you have a chemical peel, you should first review your medical history. Tell your doctor if you suffer from any medical conditions or if you have recently had a cosmetic procedure, such as laser hair removal. You should also inform your doctor about any medications you’re currently taking, especially those that can increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun. Some chemical peels will require an IV or topical anesthetic.

After a chemical peel, the skin may feel slightly red and tender for a few days. The discomfort may be reduced with the application of an ice pack or over-the-counter pain relievers. You should avoid sun exposure and indoor tanning for the first few days after your treatment. A chemical peel can also cause your skin to become scabby and crusty in some areas. This is normal and will disappear with time. A medium chemical peel usually lasts seven to 14 days. A deep chemical peel can cause severe redness and crust on the treated area, which will last for weeks.



The concentration and type of chemical peel you receive will depend on a few factors. While peel concentration and type are the most important factors, other variables, such as pre-peel prep, can also have a huge impact on the ultimate peel depth. Below is a list of common peel ingredients. Learn more about each of these chemicals. Here are the benefits and disadvantages of each type. Also, read on to understand which type is best for your skin type and concerns.

Phenol is the most common chemical peel. This acid causes aggressive skin peeling and is best used on people with fair skin. It can be uncomfortable and can cause long-term sensitivity, but the results are well worth the time and effort. Whether you’re considering a chemical peel for your first time, or a more aggressive peel, here’s what you need to know about each type of chemical peel in Mumbai:



Downtime after a chemical peel varies widely between different levels of treatment. For medium peels, the downtime is typically a few days, while deeper chemical peels can take up to a week. The best chemical peels are those that can improve the appearance of fine lines, hyperpigmentation, dullness, and sun damage. Patients who have very sensitive skin may want to opt for a milder peel, while those who desire dramatic results may opt for more aggressive treatment.

Before you schedule a chemical peel, you should consider your medical history and ask the practitioner what to do in the case of complications. Those who have keloids or other skin conditions are unlikely candidates. Those with sensitive skin should also be wary. A chemical peel may cause post-inflammatory pigmentation if the procedure is performed on darker skin. As a result, you should make sure that you have enough time to recover after your procedure.



The benefits of chemical peels include the exfoliation of rough and dead skin. But you should not force the peeling because it will damage the skin as it heals and may even make it more sensitive. The peeling skin should return to its previous appearance in seven to 14 days. You should also avoid overexposure to the sun for the first 24 hours after treatment. Otherwise, your skin may develop the infection. Afterward, you should avoid excessive exposure to the sun to avoid further damage.

Chemical peels are generally safe for fair skin, but people with darker skin may notice an uneven tone after the procedure. It is advisable to avoid waxing and skin scrubbing 48 hours before the procedure. A dermatologist will clean your face before the procedure. Medium and deep peels require a local anesthetic, while light peels do not require painkillers. Be sure to follow your dermatologist’s instructions closely.



A typical chemical peel cost in Mumbai$100 to $300, and stronger versions may cost as much as $1,000. Depending on the strength and intensity of the peel, the cost will vary widely, and many medical aestheticians are able to offer packages that include a series of peels at a discounted price. Before undergoing a chemical peel, you should review the credentials of the provider and look at before-and-after photos. Make sure to ask about possible side effects and the strength of the peel.



The cost of a chemical peel can vary widely depending on where you live, the type of clinic you choose, the number of sessions you’d like, and the experience of the provider. Also, the cost varies depending on the area of skin treated and the technology used.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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