What can I do with a transportation and logistics degree?

What can I do with a transportation and logistics degree?

From acquisition to the timing and location of delivery logisticians are expected to oversee the entire life cycle of products manufactured by a company.

If you have a desire to occupy leadership roles in industries like technical services, wholesale trade, and manufacturing, the following pointers will provide you with the information you need to land a successful career after qualifying for a degree in logistics.

Readout to find out about some of the potential career paths that you can choose to pursue after completing an undergraduate degree in logistics from Singapore.

What are some of the popular logistics career paths?

As a logistics graduate, you can either choose to focus on a particular field such as supply chain management or warehousing or concentrate on developing specialised skills that can help you gain employment for your target job.

Following are some of the popular career paths that require you to build your specialisation with a purpose:


This department deals with the examination of the policies, trends, and concepts associated with ground level, maritime, and air transportation, in addition to analysing routes to assess transportation systems and the role transportation plays in the expansion of organisations.

As a transportation professional you can implement your knowledge and during the undergraduate course in logistics, regarding the challenges encountered at the international level, as well as the transportation laws and systems.

Global supply chain management

This job profile will require you to handle various aspects of managing, storing, and transporting goods for global organisations, In which case you can leverage your specialisation earned during a bachelor’s logistics programme about quality management, shipping, and purchasing.

Quantitative methods

This business process will buy you to leverage data to analyse and improve supply chains that can assist managers to make informed decisions, ensure quality, mitigate risks, and says overall performance, by utilising skills during the course curriculum such as decision tree analysis, control charting and statistical analysis.

International business

Setting foot on the global business platform will require you to be thorough with the areas starting during the course regarding multinational finance, international markets, and global trade as part of your preparatory coursework which emphasizes regulatory and cultural differences that can come in the way of international business dealings.

Moreover, acquiring an international business specialisation can help you take on responsibilities and roles at government establishments and NGOs operating on an international level.


This is a sector of logistics that involves shipping large amounts of goods by ensuring quality and working closely with warehouse supervisors, to help companies ship and deliver products accurately in all parts of the world.

To know more about logistics qualifications and real-time training that prepares students to take up entry-level positions, log onto our website today and understand in greater depth the supply chain and its associated business processes.

Send in your applications today to increase your chances of getting hired for logistics jobs that come along with a brighter future!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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