What are the pros and cons of a roof rebuild?

Whether you like it or not, a roof rebuild is a necessary investment when you are a homeowner. Fortunately for you, they don’t come along often, but understandably it can be tempting to simply get a roof repair instead, to put off the high cost. Here, we have listed some pros and cons of a roof rebuild, so you can make an informed decision.

Pro: it extends the roofs lifetime

When you get a brand new roof, you will get a brand new warranty. The warranty on your roof usually lasts for 25 years, whereas a roof repair is only a temporary fix and does not add to the life expectancy of the roof. Moreover, a new roof makes it easier for roofers to adequately assess any problems on your roof that wouldn’t normally be visible without the old shingles and flashing being removed.

Con: it’s very expensive

On average, a new roof in the UK costs £5,500, but most homeowners spend between £3,000 and £16,300. Obviously, this is a lot of money to pay out of pocket and not money that everyone has access to. For some, it may be more affordable to continue getting roof repairs in the North East, but unfortunately overtime these regular repairs can end up costing more than simply replacing the roof in the first place. 

Pro: it can work out cheaper than repairs

We know, we just said a con of a roof replacement is that it costs a lot of money, especially as an upfront payment. However, we also mentioned that it can work out cheaper in the long run than constantly repairing the same patch of your roof. Moreover, putting off getting a replacement because of the initial high cost, can actually result in costs increasing due to additional damage that wasn’t identified.

Con: disruption to your home

Unfortunately, disruption to your home comes as part and parcel of having your roof replaced. While it would only last for a week maximum and wouldn’t really interrupt the day to day running of your home, having a construction site on your roof and strange men entering and leaving the home everyday would not suit everyone’s lifestyle. For example, someone with a new baby or a lively pet would likely need to relocate for a few days, while the building work was taking place.

Choose a reputable roofer

Whether you are dead set on having a roof rebuild, or feel like a repair is the best option, it is imperative you have a roof inspection first. A roofer who offers a roof inspection before carrying out the work on your home will give himself the opportunity to prove they are reputable, as well as highlighting any extra problems that could change the cost of your replacement. Ultimately, the decision to repair or replace your roof is down to you. While there are pros and cons to both choices, a roof rebuild will generally work out safer and cheaper for your home in the long run.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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