Facebook for Businesses

What are the Latest Developments on Instagram and Facebook for Businesses?

With the pandemic raging around the world, the company Facebook was very quiet about launching new tools. Finally, this month, they have made an announcement, stating that they have created and installed new developer tools, for an easier communication from business to consumers. Here is the latest on the social media giant.

Instagram: The Most Important Social Media Marketing Tool

If Facebook was rather quiet during the sanitary crisis, regarding help for businesses, it certainly did not stop new persons to flock to Instagram. With over two billion users daily, it has become the largest most important platform for companies to promote their products and services. Most of them now use professional templates in order to create their stories, since one wrong step can be costly on this mobile app. If you are interested with such services, discover Mojo, who is specialized in it Quality has become a difference-maker for competitors on Instagram, and everyone is doing their best to look better than the other ones.

Enabling Messenger API for Instagram

The first announcement Facebook made, at its F8 software developer conference, was that it was giving access for all businesses to the application program interface (API) for messaging on Instagram. This clearly identifies the priority of Facebook, which is to develop more direct e-commerce between customers and businesses. It will, therefore, place a greater emphasis on customer support from companies, delivered through Instagram, but also using Messenger and WhatsApp.

The goal is to help businesses automate their response to clients. For example, if a client asked: “What’s your return policy” or “Where is my order?” the messaging system used by the company would respond by itself, without having an employee involved in the process. Of course, if the questions keep coming, and the customer needs to speak to someone, then a live chat would be opened to respond to the enquiry.

Another Step towards More Augmented Reality (AR)

Facebook has shown, right from the initial coming-out of AR, that it planned to use it on its apps. That is why, it is not surprising to see the company moving towards multi-person augmented reality communication. To do so, it launched a Multipeer API beta program. In one example, that they shared at the conference, we saw a party of individuals, from various locations, in a video call, all wearing virtual party hats, to show how they could celebrate an event, from afar. This is just the beginning of a technology that should, one day, see us standing side-by-side, even when one is in Tokyo and the other in Los Angeles.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15885

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