Knee pain after running

What Are the Common Causes of Foot Pain?

Did you know that foot pain affects an estimated 9% to 30% of the world’s general population? As if that’s not bad enough, painful foot problems can cause severe debilitation.

For this reason, it’s crucial to know the top causes of foot pain so that you can cut your risks of developing it too.

To that end, we created this guide listing the top culprits of painful foot conditions. Read on to discover what they are, as well as some tips on how to prevent and treat them.


Foot Sprains and Strains

About 1.71 billion people worldwide have a musculoskeletal condition. Many of these health woes take the form of sprains and strains, including those that affect the feet.

Sprains are injuries of the ligaments, the tissues that connect the bones to the joints. On the other hand, strains are injuries of the muscles or tendons. Both sprains and strains occur due to the over-stretching or tearing of soft tissues.

You can develop a sprain or strain if you twist your foot or ankle. It can also occur if you step on another person’s foot or in a hole, causing your foot to roll inwards or outwards. The same can happen if you jump and land awkwardly or if you miss a step on the stairs.

To help cut your risks of sprains and strains, do your best to maintain a healthy weight and exercise every day. Both can help strengthen your soft tissues, making them more resistant to injuries.

If you think you have a sprain or strain, though, follow the RICE protocol. RICE stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. It may help reduce pain and swelling.

If you can’t bear the pain, see a podiatrist (a foot doctor) as soon as possible. The specialist can help your condition by prescribing medications or medical devices.


Bunions are also common foot pain causes caused by bony formations on the joint at the base of the big toe. Sometimes, the foot’s shape is to blame, while in many other cases, the culprit is the use of ill-fitting shoes.

So, wearing proper-fitting shoes can help reduce your risks of developing bunions. If you already have them, though, try icing the swollen areas, and if you can, stretch your toes. You can also seek advice from a podiatrist in Miranda, as you may need surgery to remove the bony growths.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia. It can cause stabbing heel pain, especially after sleeping, sitting, or resting.

Some people are more at risk of plantar fasciitis, including those who are overweight. Exercising without warming up can also make you more prone to this condition.

As such, controlling your weight and always taking the time to warm up can help mitigate your risks. As for foot pain treatment, it often includes rest and stretches. Your podiatrist may also advise you to wear foot supports.

Don’t Let the Top Causes of Foot Pain Get In Your Way

As you can see, most primary causes of foot pain are preventable with proper precautions. They’re also treatable, provided you undergo early treatment.

So, if you have foot pain, get in touch with a podiatrist right away. The sooner the foot doctor diagnoses your foot problem, the sooner you can get it treated and be back on your feet.

Looking for more tactics to live healthier and better? Then feel free to read our other informative news and blog posts!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15886

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