Truck Malfunction Accidents

Understanding Truck Malfunction Accidents in Auburn

Truck drivers must be trained in using braking systems, as well as be aware to changes in traffic patterns or other risks that call for slowing down or halting. Using the brakes improperly when operating a truck can result in catastrophic accidents. Commercial trucks are much more difficult to avoid than passenger cars due to their enormous weight. Commercial drivers’ reflexes can be hampered by distracted driving, sleepy driving, drinking, or using drugs. Reach out to a personal injury lawyer in Auburn, IN if you were hurt in a truck accident. 

What causes a truck malfunction?


Poor truck maintenance may cause a malfunction, in which case the trucking firm may be held accountable for the accident. But occasionally, even when a trucker applies the brakes correctly, there is still a collision that could have been prevented if the brakes were in good working order. Another possibility is that the brakes have a manufacture or design flaw. This suggests that the brakes’ design, manufacture, or assembly by the company in question was flawed. 

What does a victim need to demonstrate?


They would have to demonstrate that the truck driver’s failure to operate the vehicle with reasonable care resulted in their injuries. A victim who suffered harm as a result of a truck driver’s improper braking may be able to file a negligence claim against both the driver and the trucking firm. A victim may also hold the business personally accountable if, among other things, the business recruited an unqualified driver or disregarded a driver’s history of safety infractions. If the accident occurred while the driver was carrying out their job obligations, the trucking company that hired the driver may be held accountable.

What kinds of damages are granted?


These damages may also be given to a victim if they will require ongoing medical care or if their injuries make it more difficult for them to work. Medical costs, lost wages, property damage, as well as more intangible injuries like pain and suffering, may all be covered under the damages that can be recovered in braking-related incidents.

Final thoughts:


These damages may also be given to a victim if they will require ongoing medical care or if their injuries make it more difficult for them to work. Medical costs, lost wages, property damage, as well as more intangible injuries like pain and suffering, may all be covered under the damages that can be recovered in braking-related incidents.


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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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