
Tooth Whitening – Things To Know About Getting A Brighter Smile

Professional bleaching is the most usual treatment that dentists recommend to patients and clients. It may be either external or internal,

Many people today find various ways to whiten their teeth. It has become a common concern for many individuals because it has underlying impacts on the overall aesthetics and appearance.

With the help of modern technology, dentists and experts at Markham Stouffville Smile Centre offer several treatments and processes to achieve those pearly white sets of teeth that most of us always want to have. But, before you head out to consult with your dentist, you may want to learn more about teeth or tooth whitening first.

What Is Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is self-explanatory. As the name states, it is a very effective way to lighten the natural shade or color of your teeth, without any usage of extraction procedures.

The way it works is purely on the surface. Keep in mind, though, that the whitening process does not completely change the color, especially if there is a huge gap between the existing shade to the desired color.

Nevertheless, the process helps lighten the overall shade and tone.

There are several reasons why people want to have their teeth whitened. It is worth noting that not all teeth are originally brilliant white. Similar to everyone’s hair and skin color, the color of one’s teeth may vary, as well, depending on several factors. But, there are also those individuals who are living with stained teeth due to external variables, like foods and habits.

What Does It Involve

Depending on your case, your dentist will recommend a treatment process that will work best for your condition. Generally, there are three ways to whiten or lighten the shade or color of your teeth:

·         External vs. Internal Bleaching

Professional bleaching is the most usual treatment that dentists recommend to patients and clients. It may be either external or internal, too, depending on the condition of your teeth.

Primarily, the dentist will put a rubber shield on your gums to protect them from the bleaching product. Consequently, the expert will apply the product directly to your teeth using a tray, like a mouthguard.

·         Remove external staining caused by food, drinks, or smoking

Another way to whiten teeth is to cut back or eliminate all factors that cause stains and discoloration. It may be from food, beverages, or even vices, like smoking.

It is worth noting that these things cause stains to the surface of your teeth. Dentists know when you will need professional bleaching or natural options to white teeth, such as this one.

·         Stain Removal Toothpaste

Apart from professional bleaching, dentists and experts may also suggest patients and clients using stain-removing toothpaste or products. This will vary, as well, depending on the severity of the stain or discoloration.

Most stain-removing toothpaste tubes are dentist-recommended. While there are already tons of similar products on the market, make sure to consult first with your dentist before using one.

Ultimate Care Tips For Teeth Whitening

Whether you already had your treatment or you are planning to have one, every patient and client need to mind, as well, the care and maintenance in the long run.

Here are some of the best care and maintenance tips that you may want to start now:

·         Cut down on the amount of food and drinks that can stain your teeth

You should avoid consuming foods and drinks that highly contribute to teeth stains and discolorations. As much as possible, avoid foods that are rich in sugar and acid.

For beverages, ensure to cut back on acidic liquids, like alcohol and coffee. Most dentists highly recommend staying away from coffee as it is one of the most apparent contributors to teeth stains.

·         Stop smoking

Smoking is also another habit to stop if you want to maintain the color of your teeth and care for your overall dental and oral health. Aside from the foods and drinks that cause stains and discolorations, smoking cigarettes is another factor that negatively impacts the color of the teeth. Moreover, it has negative effects, as well, on your health.

·         Brush your teeth twice a day

Whether you are intending to prevent stains, maintain white teeth, or simply taking care of your dental and oral health, brushing your teeth twice a day is part of good and proper dental and oral hygiene.

You should brush your teeth in the right manner, as well, once in the morning and once before you go to sleep.

·         Visit your dentist regularly as recommended

Similarly, regular check-ups with your dentist will go a long way to improve your overall dental and oral health. This includes the color and shade of your teeth, as dentists will also check the shading conditions every time you visit the clinic.

All About The Side Effects

Resorting to professional bleaching and stain-removing toothpaste are effective ways to whiten your teeth. However, there are some individuals who experience side effects, from time to time. These include their teeth becoming sensitive to hot and cold drinks and foods, and discomfort in the gums.

When you experience this after having your treatments, make sure to disclose these things with your dentist. But, keep in mind that some of these side effects are just temporary, especially days after you had your whitening treatment.

One Final Note

Having a white set of teeth can be beneficial for everyone. This impacts more the people who are working in the industries that largely rely appearances and personal presentations.

While everyone has the chance to whiten their teeth using these processes and treatments, it is worth remembering that the effects vary from one condition to another. So, before anything else, you must talk to your dentists as they are the experts who know the best for your oral and dental health.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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