Tips to create a simple, intuitive, and easy-to-use online store

Now that we all have a lot of experience shopping online, it is becoming increasingly clear that some stores do much better than others. It is enough that you remember your last experiences to realize it. Today, I’m going to talk to you about what differentiates a good online store from another that is not so good. It has a lot to do with the simplicity and usability of the web. Here are 13 tips to get it right the first time.

A good service provider

You have several options to set up an online store. Without a doubt, one of the cheapest and simplest is to choose a provider that allows you to create your eCommerce very easily with tools that have already proven their effectiveness. You can for example take a look at Wix services. They already host more than 500 thousand online businesses, and they make it very easy for you to create your own.

You just have to choose between 500 eCommerce templates, customize the design of your store, add your products, connect with a payment provider, configure shipments, choose your domain and start selling.

A web that charges like lightning

On the Internet, speed is a great ally, because buyers’ patience is low. If you want to offer a good experience to your potential customers, you have to make sure that your online store loads very quickly. This is especially important for mobile devices, which today account for the majority of traffic.

Think about SEO from the get-go

If you want customers to find you in Google results, you are going to have to learn about search engine optimization or seek advice on it. And it is important that you work on that part before you start uploading the products to your platform and designing the structure of the web. This way you will start off on the right foot.

A clean and spacious design

For a few years, the trend in the design of web pages in general, including eCommerce, is to bet on a refined style. We try to put few texts, using beautiful fonts, and always avoiding overloading the content. To a large extent that is marked by the size of the mobile screens.

Anyway, it is not complicated, you can choose already predesigned themes and templates. You don’t need to know how to program or hire experts.

Let your brand be noticed!

It is one of the challenges of the Internet. Unless you are Amazon or El Corte Inglés, many of the customers who come to your store do not know anything about you. To create a brand, you have to give importance to your logo, your corporate colours and your way of communicating. Your goal is for the client to remember your page among the many they will have visited that day.

Secure payment systems

And since we are talking about going to the end of the purchase, it is important that you offer secure payment systems and gateways. You have a very trusted partner such as the Paypound merchant account. At the very least, you should allow customers to shop with the two most widespread card systems: Visa and Mastercard. But you are interested in adding others such as American Express, or solutions such as Paypal. For a complete solution, you may contact Paypound at or call them by dialling+44 800 832 1733.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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