TikTok Counter: How to find out everything about a TikTok user

There are several ways to get the exact number of followers in real time. In this case, we recommend Countik.

By entering a TikTok user’s username, you can see how many followers they have. The tool also provides additional information such as the number of likes, the accounts that the user follows, and the videos that the user has uploaded.

To put it another way, Countik is a very useful tool for getting to know every TikTok user in depth.

In this article, we will explain what the TikTok Counter is and how you can use it to learn everything you can about a TikTok user.

How to use the TikTok Counter

  1. Select the profile to be used: You do not need the profile URL for this followers counter tool, but rather the user’s username only.
  1. Go to the TikTok Counter Tool: Once you’ve decided on a profile, navigate to Countik.com and enter the username.
  1. Verify the profile whose data you want to examine. If in doubt, look at the profile photo of the account to see which one you want to see.
  1. Allow time for the data to load. When you select a profile, it takes a few seconds for the platform to load all of the data, but then everything is ready. Once the data is loaded, you can examine all of the information provided by the tool: if you keep the page open, you can see how the various numbers change in real time.

How to compare two TikTok users?

You can also use the TikTok counter ( Countik ) to compare two TikTok users. This is useful if:

  • You need an influencer from this social network for a campaign and want to compare it to other options.
  • You want to compare your profile to a competitor’s.

To use the tool to compare two TikTok users, click the “Compare” button at the top of the screen.

The platform currently only allows for the comparison of two users. Enter the desired usernames in the two inputs on the page to change them.

It would look like this: 

How to get TikTok videos analytics?

This tool allows you to get the exact number of views a TikTok video has in real time; simply click “Video Views” at the top of the page to access the tool.

People usually use this tool to see if a video is doing well, to see what you can improve as a TikToker or as a marketer.

To use the tool, simply enter the video url or the shortened version, whichever you prefer, and click the search icon. Now wait for the page to load and you will see the views, likes, shares, and comments for the video update live.

It would look like this :

To conclude

Countik can be used in a PC, android and IOS all from a web browser, and now you understand how to analyze and compare TikTok users and videos. For videos just enter the video URL, and for comparing and getting TikTokers statistics It’s simple just enter your own username on the Countik website and have the counter provide you with account data.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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