Being arrested for drunk driving can be confusing, and you may not know what to do, especially if it is your first time. But you must understand that you face serious consequences for driving under the influence, including jail time, loss of your driving license for several months or years, hefty fines, and other punishments for DUI. While many people use different survival methods when arrested for DUI, it is vital to know the proper steps to take in such a situation. Here are some things to remember when arrested for driving under the influence.

Be polite

As angry as you might be with the police officer for catching you, there is no point in being argumentative. Occasionally the police may get it wrong, which has happened before, but the best thing to do is be polite. You will lose by arguing with the officer, and the best you can do is make polite observations and consult a DUI lawyer as soon as possible.

Take the test

Failure to supply a specimen of breath at the roadside and the police station is an offense by itself, and you may face a minimum disqualification of one year. You may be under the drink drive limit but still, get a conviction and disqualification of failing to supply a specimen without a valid reason.

You can tell the officer if you have a valid reason for not taking the sobriety test. This is one circumstance where it is better not to wait until you speak to a solicitor. An officer has the jurisdiction to put you through a field sobriety test or a breathalyzer test if they suspect drunk driving.


If you fail the field sobriety tests and are arrested, a custody sergeant books you at the police station. In DUI arrests, you are entitled to have someone informed of your arrest, whether a relative, solicitor, or friend. Most importantly, you have the right to legal advice from an independent DUI lawyer.

Although you can speak to your DUI lawyer about the arrest and further procedures, that doesn’t delay the provision of a breath, blood, or urine specimen to determine your BAC levels. The police can contact your lawyer or legal firm to inform them of your request.

Seek legal advice

You will be interviewed for drunk driving if there are discrepancies about your DUI arrest. It is advisable to seek legal advice from a DUI solicitor beforehand and ensure they are there during your interview. 

Further tests are necessary.

Before the officers release you from custody, they must perform further tests to determine your driving eligibility. Problems could ensue if the second test is not performed before you collect your car. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be the first person to be arrested for a second time for drunk driving.

Final words

If arrested for DUI, staying calm and avoiding arguments with the police officer is best. Make observations during your arrest and seek guidance from a DUI attorney.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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