It is extremely exciting to receive an envelope with your credit card inside. A credit card gives you the freedom to spend and fulfill all your needs whenever required. Yes, you can manage all your needs easily now with a credit card and pay later.
You have to use that very carefully and never get trapped with the problem of spending more than your credit limit. So, if you also want to get a credit card at the earliest with the best services, then you can get started with your ICICI credit card application process today.
Start with activating your card
The first step is to activate your card following an easy process. All you need to do is just make a call on the given number and get your details verified. Most of the banks now prefer sending an OTP on the customer’s registered mobile number so that they can set their card pin. Well, if you don’t receive an OTP to set the pin then there is also an option to get it done through net banking. Once you are done with all these initial steps, next you have to place your signature on the back of the card before you start using it. Without your signature, the card will not be considered valid. So, this is an important step to follow.
Dispose Of all old cards
If you have got your credit card upgraded by the bank then it is recommended to destroy the one you had before that. Make it a habit to dispose of your cards as soon as they expire and instantly order for a new card in place of that.
Go through regulations carefully
Other than your card and the credit limit offered with that, there are several other essential things that you get with the card enclosed in the envelope. Make sure that you read all the rules and regulations of using a credit card very carefully. There are a lot of banks that are somewhat lenient when it comes to credit repayment. But a few credit cards with a high credit limit have very stringent rules for repayment.
Spend with the credit limit in mind
No matter how high your credit limit is, it is highly recommended to spend within your limits, or else you will end up paying a high rate of interest if you miss the payment by any chance. Along with this, it will also affect your credit score. If you spend within your limits then it will be easy for you to manage your payments and expenses as well. Moreover, your credit score will also not get affected.
Keep a check on your credit score
Keep checking your CIBIL score at regular intervals. Make sure that you make all the payments on time and allow your credit score to grow with every payment instead of going down. It is extremely important to have a good credit score and you can make that happen only if you have good payment habits. There are a lot of credit card users to suffer a lot because of their habit of paying the bill late and these people end up paying a high rate of interest because of this. Therefore, if you want to keep away from this problem and have a good CIBIL score, never miss a payment, and never overuse your card more than its credit limit.
In the present scenario, there are various sources available from where you can apply for your credit card application. But before choosing a source to get a credit card make sure that the service provider is reputed in the market and will be able to serve you with the best facilities and offers on the card. you can go for quick online research for the same and there you will find multiple sources that can help you find a better option to get a credit card. These experts make sure that your work gets done at the earliest and to the best of their abilities. A credit card works as perfect financial assistance for you at the time of emergency. You can manage all your extra expenses that are not planned easily with the help of a credit card. You will also be able to create a good credit score and in case of financial needs in the future, you will be able to borrow the required amount of money from the bank for any financial institute only if you have a good credit score or else your request for funding will be rejected. Therefore, always keep in mind that you should never let your credit score drop to a limit where you are unable to get any financial assistance from the bank.