Things That You Should Not Do If You Find Your Amazon Account Suspended!

One of the biggest advantages of Amazon is that it does not require much effort or money on the sellers’ part to start selling on its platform. So, if you want to become an Amazon seller, all you need to do is just create a seller account and list your products. However, if you are an experienced Amazon seller, you will agree that it is too hard to stay afloat on this platform since the competition on Amazon is quite merciless.

Another problem that you can face during your operation on Amazon is  Amazon suspensions. Generally, there are lots of reasons which can lead to your account’s deactivation and you, as a seller, should be maximally informed on how to act when you face similar issues during your operation on Amazon.

Today, we are going to bring to your attention the main mistakes that Amazon sellers make when they receive an Amazon suspension.

Generally, the worst mistakes are made right after receiving an Amazon suspension. The main reason is that sellers do not know how to act in this situation and make lots of spontaneous decisions. Let’s dive deeper and try to figure out the list of mistakes that every seller makes after receiving an Amazon suspension.

They Open a New Seller Account!

Keep in mind that opening up a new seller account when your old one is under Amazon’s review is not an option. By doing so, you double your problems and can find your Amazon account suspended for running multiple accounts; and it will be too hard for you to reactivate Amazon seller account without professionals’ help. The main reason is that Amazon has a thought-out algorithm in place and can easily detect any wrongdoing on your part.

Trying To Appeal Your Suspension By Yourself!

Another common mistake that every suspended seller makes is that they try to write an Amazon appeal letter by themselves. You should keep in mind that the first impression is very important when it comes to communicating with Amazon, which means that your first appeal letter should be written in the best possible way.

They Make Changes on Their Invoices!

As an Amazon seller, you should keep in mind that an Inauthentic suspension is considered to be one of the most common types of suspensions that every Amazon seller meets during their operation on this platform. The main reason is that Amazon wants to make sure that its customers can buy solely genuine products on its platform. Hence, the first thing that Amazon requires sellers to provide is valid invoices. However, there are some cases when sellers change information on their invoices or just highlight important information such as  ASINs or names. As a result,  they can find their Amazon account suspended for forged and manipulated document violation.

They Send Multiple Letters!

If you have faced Amazon suspensions during your operation,  you should avoid sending multiple appel letters in order to break through to Amazon. Send the first letter, wait for Amazon’s response, then act again. Try to be patient and realize that by sending different appeal letters at the same time, you just add oil on that bonfire.

So, if you are a beginner on Amazon and you find your account suspended, it is better to contact professional reinstatement services and ask them for help. In this case, you can be sure that everything within your suspension goes smooth and in accordance with Amazon’s requirements. Good luck with your suspension-free Amazon career!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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