When it comes to flower maintenance, the series “Freshly Sourced” teaches you all you need to know. We’ve gathered advice from floral masters ( Sophy Crown Flowers ) throughout the country on anything from floral design lessons to how to keep your new flower arrangement fresh so you can show off your own unique talent. We’ll look at the most common flower kinds throughout the world in this guide.
Flowers exist in a plethora of forms and colour combinations, each with its own name and categorization. There are over 400,000 different species of blooming plants, so there’s certain to be one that matches your personality! If that sounds like a lot to take in, don’t worry; here’s a fast rundown of some of the most popular flower kinds.
With red, yellow, pink, purple, lavender, white, multicoloured, or striped petals, the joyful petunia, a fixture of old-fashioned gardens, planters, and hanging pots, is more vibrant than ever. If cultivated in the sun and deadheaded regularly, they are dependable flowers that will bloom from spring until October. Because sap is released from plant cells to protect them from insect infestations, many of them feel sticky to the touch. Petunias are linked to tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and tobacco and are native to South America.
Ranunculus flowers are large, spectacular Persian buttercups that grow from claw-shaped corms and are available in a rainbow of hues. Their rose-like look is ideal for bridal bouquets or long-lasting cut flowers due to their layers of paper-thin, glossy petals. Ranunculus is not typically cultivated in home gardens, although it is possible. Plant the corms in the fall for spring flowers in the south, and in the early spring for summer blooms in the north.
Sunflowers are one of the most common flower varieties, with their bright yellow colour and big size making them one of the most popular. Sunflowers are commonly associated with devotion, loyalty, and longevity in flower lore. Sunflowers are regarded by Native Americans as a sign of harvest and abundance, as the flower yields seeds and colours in addition to being physically appealing. Sunflowers require 6 to 8 hours of direct sunshine every day and hot weather to flower successfully. Sunflowers have lengthy roots that need a lot of space to spread out, therefore the soil should be thoroughly excavated and not too dense for them to thrive. If you fertilise too much, your stems will break in the fall.
Snapdragon flowers, which resemble little dragon snouts, are native to the United States, North Africa, and Europe, and have long been popular in posies. Flowers in yellow, peach, pink, orange, purple, red, white, and bicolor bloom from the bottom to the top on tall stalks throughout the summer and fall. Snapdragons are choosy when it comes to pollinators! Only large bumblebees have the strength to open the upper and lower lips of the snapdragon flower, allowing them to burrow inside and suck the nectar while unwittingly covering themselves with pollen.
Susan with Black Eyes
Black-eyed Susans are a popular perennial wildflower in North America, and they may be found in fields and meadows. They are a popular addition to a sunny garden since they are robust, can withstand drought, and can reseed and return year after year. Beginner gardeners will love black-eyed Susans. Their cheery orange petals and brown centres symbolise encouragement, and they can be presented to a friend who might use some cheer.
Buttercups are a widespread group of wildflowers that may be found in temperate Asia, Europe, and North America. They can be perennial, biennial, or annual; herbaceous, terrestrial, or aquatic; erect or creeping; and herbaceous, terrestrial, or aquatic. Their petals feature reflecting cells that make flowers sparkle. Yellow is the most common colour, however they can also be white, pink, or red. Buttercups are a cute and familiar sight in the spring and summer, but it’s important to remember that they are deadly to people and animals in all sections.
Poppy (California)
This vivid red, orange, or yellow native plant is also known as the golden poppy and is the state flower of California. Depending on the environment, it is either an annual or a perennial – annual in colder climates and perennial in warmer climates. The California poppy is a sun worshipper, opening its petals in the morning and closing them at night. Native Americans utilised preparations of the plant to treat anxiety and a variety of pains, although it does not contain opiates like its cousin, the opium poppy.
Lilies of the genus Calla
The Calla Lily is a flower that symbolises trust and purity. As a result, religious figures such as the Virgin Mary are sometimes shown with a bouquet of calla lilies in their hands. Calla lilies are also connected with rebirth and sympathy, making them a favourite flower for funerals. These lovely flowers need full to partial sunshine and should be planted in the spring for a late summer display. With proper care, they may reach a length of two feet! Calla lilies may survive up to two weeks in a vase after cut.
Large-flowered carnations, spray carnations, and dwarf flowered carnations are the three varieties of carnations. Carnations with huge blooms may reach over 20 inches in height and have one enormous bloom per stem. The florist’s carnations are another name for these flowers. Dwarf carnations feature smaller flowers than standard carnations, however they have numerous blooms per stem. Carnations that reach a height of 12 inches are more typically found in gardens. When planting carnations, make sure they are in well-draining soil and in a sunny location. Carnations have several meanings depending on their colour: a pink carnation represents motherly love, a white carnation represents good luck, a yellow carnation represents disappointment, and so on. Because of their flexibility, they are a favourite flower for all situations.
Cultivated mums originated more than 3,000 years ago in China and have since become a well-known and well-loved fall flower all around the world. Thousands of species with distinctive flower forms enliven home gardens, pots, median strips, and parking lots with their orange, red, yellow, purple, or white blossoms from late summer through frost. Chrysanthemums are perennials that will return year after year if planted early enough in the season to establish themselves and overwinter. Chrysanthemum flowers may be converted into tea, and the leaves can be consumed as salad greens, in addition to their beauty.
The small crocus coming up through the snow is the first sign of spring for many of us. These lovely bulbs are endemic to North Africa and the Mediterranean, stretching all the way east to China. Depending on the species and variation, its cup-shaped flowers might be lavender, purple, white, yellow, or multicoloured. Crocuses are produced for more than just their cheery blossoms; the stigmas of autumn-blooming crocuses are collected in Iran for the highly sought saffron spice.
These vibrant blossoms are available in a variety of colours and can simply be incorporated into any existing or new landscape. These flowers, unlike other plants, can tolerate moderate shade. They also flower for a long time, beginning in mid-summer and continuing until the first frost. Dahlias, although being perennials, are tuberous-rooted plants that need to be replanted every spring after resting.
Daisies are one of the biggest known plant groups and may be found on every continent except Antarctica. Daisies are associated with innocence, which is a Victorian meaning. The flower can take on a different connotation depending on the colour of the daisy. Daisy flowers thrive in full light and medium soil. They can range in size from 8 inches to 4 feet, depending on the kind. During the summer, only water if the rainfall is less than 1 inch each week.
Daffodils are known by a number of names depending on the species and variation—narcissus, jonquils, or paperwhites—but they are all daffodils and belong to the Narcissus genus. These cheerful flowers are perennial bulbs that can proliferate in the garden year after year if they are planted in suitable soil with proper drainage. They are deer resistant and have a natural insecticide, so they are only bothered by pollinating insects. The national flower of Wales and the 10th-anniversary posy are daffodils.
The delphinium, often known as larkspur, is a tall herbaceous perennial with blue or purple flowers. Its height and bright blues and purples, with varieties in whites, reds, and even yellows, make it vital in English cottage gardens and widely used in florists’ bouquets. Native Americans on the West Coast are thought to have utilised the flowers to manufacture blue and purple dyes. Delphiniums are a lovely addition to the garden, but don’t allow them wander out into a grazing meadow—they’re severely dangerous to both humans and animals.
Dusty Miller (Dad):
Dusty miller is a half-hardy perennial with silvery-gray lacy, woolly leaves. It’s commonly planted as a bedding plant or in pots as a light-colored contrast to darker plants. It looks particularly lovely when combined with pink, reddish-purple, or violet flowers. Dusty millers thrive in full light and can withstand heat and drought in their natural home in the Mediterranean.
Gardenias are known for their fragrant, waxy white flowers that can transform a garden. You get to choose whether your gardenia will dwell indoors or outdoors, depending on your geographical region (and personal desire). Whether your gardenias are planted in a container or in the garden, maintain the soil well-drained and at a pH of 4.5 to 5.5 to guarantee that they bloom throughout the growing season. These plants also require a lot of water, so make sure you don’t allow your gardenia dry up by watering it on a regular basis.
Geraniums are tropical perennials native to South Africa and Australia that belong to the genus Pelargonium. In temperate zones, garden geraniums are cultivated as annuals and can be carried indoors to overwinter or kept as year-round houseplants. Red, pink, salmon, white, violet, or bicolored flower clusters are available, and some species and cultivars also contain aromatic leaves that have a surprising variety of applications. In the perfume business, for potpourri and aromatherapy, as insect repellents (think citronella), and for flavourings like rose, lemon, and peppermint, scented-leaf geraniums are utilised.
Gerbera Daisies are a kind of flower that grows in the Gerbera
The Gerbera Daisy, the world’s fifth most popular flower, comes in a spectrum of colours, including pink, orange, yellow, and red. The Gerbera was first found in South Africa in 1884, and it was subsequently taken to England, where breeders developed a variety of Gerberas with brighter colours and higher quality. Gerberas’ popularity gradually expanded to the Netherlands, which grew to become one of the world’s largest distributors of Gerbera daisies, a position it still has today. Its colourful petals make it the flower of choice for all joyous occasions, including birthdays and weddings.
Elegant irises are found throughout Europe, the Middle East, northern Africa, Asia, and North America, among other places. They have flat, sword-shaped, or curved leaves and purple, yellow, orange, blue, or white flowers, depending on the species and variety. They grow from perennial rhizomes or bulbs and can grow to be 8″ to 36″ tall, with flat, sword-shaped, or curved leaves and purple, yellow, orange, blue, or white flowers. Orrisroot is the name given to the rhizomes of various iris species, which are used in fragrance and potpourri. They are the state flower of Tennessee, the 25th wedding anniversary flower, and the fleur-de-lis, a graphic portrayal of the iris, which is the national symbol of France.
Lavender, whether Spanish, French, or English, is a sweet herb garden favourite that offers calming smells, flavourings, and beauty in a little flower package. More than 40 species of semi-evergreen perennials or sub-shrubs with gray-green, hairy, linear leaves and purple, violet, lavender, or pinkish-white flowers are endemic to Mediterranean environments. The aromatic oil is produced by tiny glands on the plant’s flowers, leaves, and stems, and is used in fragrances, bath treatments, lavender water, and aromatherapy to reduce tension and anxiety and promote sleep. Lavender is highly renowned for its monofloral honey, which is used as a flavouring in cooking and as a component in beverages.
Lilies are one of the world’s most popular and adaptable flowers. This exquisite bloom, which comes in a range of colours and is recognised for its rich smell, is a show-stopper on its own while also acting as the perfect addition to any bouquet. It’s easy to understand why lilies are one of the most popular flowers on the planet. The genus “lilium” has around 100 distinct species of real lilies. Lilies are primarily found in the northern hemisphere of the globe.
Marigolds, which are orange and gold in hue, are said to represent a desire for prosperity and success. Their pigments are so vivid that they’re employed in the textile and culinary sectors as well! Marigolds are a versatile flower that may be used to express sorrow for the death of a loved one or to honour those who have died.
Did you know that orchids are among the world’s oldest blooming plants? Orchids may have existed for as long as 100 million years, according to scientists. Phalaenopsis Orchid, Dendrobium Orchid, Cattleya Orchid, and Vanilla Orchid are only a few of the 30,000 species of orchids available. Love, fertility, attentiveness, and charm are all symbols associated with orchids. Each of these flower kinds, on the other hand, has its unique colour and symbolism. Dendrobium orchids indicate knowledge and beauty, whereas Phalaenopsis orchids represent health and fortune. Oncydium orchids represent love and talent, whereas Cymbidium orchids represent power and dignity.
Peonies come in a wide range of hues, from white to red, coral, purple, pink, and yellow. Planting a healthy peony at the right time, planting it correctly, and, of course, caring for it throughout the year, even when it isn’t in season, are the keys to developing a thriving peony. Because peonies may grow to be rather big (up to five feet tall! ), you’ll want to make sure the location you pick is large enough. Remember that peonies may return year after year, so you’ll need to plan ahead.
Periwinkle, sometimes known as myrtle, is a popular ground cover with lustrous dark green foliage and purple, blue, or white flowers that bloom in April and May. The little plant comes in over 30 different variations, including variegated leaf types, lavender, blue, burgundy, and white flowers. They’re fantastic for preventing erosion by crashing down rock walls in the daytime or spreading out in the shade beneath trees. Periwinkle is a flower of pleasant and sorrowful recall that is commonly put over gravestones.
The history of the rose is as vivid as the flower itself. Roses have been blooming in the wild for more than 35 million years! However, it wasn’t until roughly 5,000 years ago that they were discovered to be farmed. Their use began not just as a decorative accent to one’s house, but also as a source of medicine, perfume, and even confetti for joyful events. The first step in caring for your roses is to get them into water as soon as possible. Fill a vase with cold, fresh tap water (number 34). The roses will absorb the water and absorb the nutrients that will move to the bloom, resulting in a vibrant flower. Every day, check the water level in your rose vase and top it off as needed. For Valentine’s Day, look no further than these classic flowers!
Tulips belong to the lily family and come in over 150 distinct species with over 3,000 different variants. Tulips, like other popular flowers, come in a wide range of colours, each with its own symbolism. These blossoms are frequently connected with the Easter festival as a sign of the beginning of spring. During an era of “Tulip Mania” in Holland, tulips were once more precious than gold, and their popularity has only grown with time! Tulip bulbs should be planted in the fall in locations with partial to full sun. The bulb and roots will drown if they are overwatered.
The majority of these lovely perennials are native to Eurasia, with just the New York and New England asters hailing from North America. Starbursts of tightly packed, thin petals in bright blue, purple, lilac, pink, or white make up their one-inch flowers. They add colour to a garden from late summer through fall and attract butterflies, bees, and other insects. The Greek word “aster” means “star,” and it is a beautiful flower for a September birthday or a 20th wedding anniversary.
The vibrant azaleas that bloom in yards, along paths, and in forests are one of the characteristics of late spring. These well-known shrubs are evergreen or deciduous, with a profusion of white, pink, red, orange, yellow, or purple flowers covering the bushes. Azaleas grow in acidic soil and enjoy shaded settings under trees. But be careful: the azalea is deadly in all parts.
Alstroemerias are endemic to South America and are known as Peruvian Lilies or Lilies of the Incas. Peruvian Lilies are symbols of friendship, riches, and affection and come in a variety of warm colours such as pink and orange. When exposed to direct sunshine and watered weekly, these flowers blossom in late spring/early summer (water more often when you notice the soil looking dry, water less often when the soil looks soggy).
There are about 500 species of these cheerful tiny wildflowers, which may be found on lawns, forests, streambanks, and slopes across the temperate northern hemisphere. True violets are white, yellow, lavender, or purple flowers that bloom on annuals, perennials, or even tiny bushes. Violets are violets, but our garden pansies are bigger, multicoloured variants of the European flower known as heartsease. February’s birth flower is the violet, which is also the state flower of Illinois, New Jersey, and Wisconsin.
Zinnias are a newbie gardener’s dream since they are colourful and easy to cultivate. They may be sown from the last frost to early summer, and if decaying blossoms are deadheaded, they will continue to bloom throughout the season—truly a “cut and come again” flower. They are herbaceous annuals with vivid 1″ to 7″ diameter solitary, semi-double, or double flowers that are native to Mexico, South America, and the southwestern United States. With their red, pink, purple, yellow, white, or orange blooms that attract pollinators of all types, including hummingbirds, zinnias are ideal for a butterfly garden.