Hearing loss is the sixth-leading chronic disease in the world. It affects over 360 million people globally. Moreover, there are more than a million new cases of hearing loss diagnosed each year. Hearing loss not only impacts your social and professional life, but it also has other serious implications on your physical and mental health as well.
Furthermore, as we live longer and better hearing aids become an essential part of our connected smart home. Fortunately, with the latest hearing aid technologies being introduced by multiple manufacturers, these devices are no longer just diagnostic tools but also useful assistive devices for many users who would otherwise struggle to understand speech or follow conversations in background noise.
What is a Hearing Aid?
Hearing aids are devices that are designed to improve your hearing and help you to hear better. They are often prescribed to people who have hearing loss, but they can also be useful to people who are at risk of developing hearing loss. Hearing aids are often prescribed to people with a variety of different hearing issues.
Unfortunately, for many people, hearing aids are something that they have been avoiding for a long time because of the stigma that is associated with them. There are different types of hearing aids, including behind-the-ear, in-the-ear, and in-the-canal. In-the-ear and in-the-canal are referred to as “fitting” hearing aids. These fit entirely in the ear canal or behind the ear with a small portion extending into the ear canal. A behind-the-ear hearing aid wraps around the ear and sits behind the ear, but it doesn’t extend into the ear canal.
Why Do You Need A Hearing Aid?
Hearing loss is the result of damage to the sensory cells present in the inner ear. The damage can be caused due to various reasons such as aging, exposure to loud noise, genetics, etc. The damaged sensory cells cannot transmit sound signals properly to the brain and hearing becomes less effective. While hearing aids are sometimes recommended as a treatment for hearing loss, they are also a great way to prevent hearing loss in the first place. If you are frequently in noisy environments, if you have a family history of hearing loss, or if you are particularly susceptible to loud noises, then you should invest in a pair of hearing aids from ApexAudiology.com before your hearing is negatively impacted.
Wireless Hearing Aids: Going The Way Of The Dodo
Wireless technology has permeated society and all aspects of our lives and there is no reason why it shouldn’t be applied to hearing aids. Wireless hearing aids are essentially the same as normal hearing aids but with one key difference. They are linked to each other via a Bluetooth connection. This allows you to connect it to your smartphone or any other compatible device and stream sound from it directly to your ears. The sound quality of these wireless hearing aids is excellent and comparable to that of wired hearing aids.
Another advantage of these wireless hearing aids is that they allow you to stream music, podcasts, and other audio content directly to your ears. This is a useful feature that can be particularly useful at home or when you are out and about.
Bone-anchored Hearing Aids: Coming To Your Ears Soon
Bone-anchored hearing aids are experimental devices and are expected to be commercially available in the near future. Bone-anchored hearing aids are surgically attached to the bones in the middle ear as opposed to being positioned behind the ear. These devices are surgically attached to the bones in the middle ear. These are wired devices that connect to a behind-the-ear hearing aid. The advantage of bone-anchored hearing aids is that the sound is transmitted to the brain directly through bone conduction and does not need to be converted to electricity and then back to sound again. The main advantage of bone-anchored hearing aids over conventional hearing aids is that they provide better sound quality in high-noise environments and can even be used by people who are deaf in one ear.
Digital Hearing Aids: More Flexibility & Customization
Digital hearing aids are the latest hearing aids being introduced by the market leaders. They provide significant improvements in sound quality, voice recognition, and noise reduction over their analog counterparts. These digital hearing aids can be customized to suit the individual needs of the wearer. They can be paired with a smartphone or remote control to adjust the settings or to download new software.
Digital hearing aids contain many sensors and microphones that can measure and adjust the settings automatically. They can be programmed to amplify sounds in certain frequency bands or to filter out noise. Digital hearing aids also allow you to communicate wirelessly with your smartphone or other Bluetooth devices. You can even use your smartphone to stream audio content directly to your ears using these devices.
Hearing loss is a common problem that impacts the ability to hear sounds and understand conversations. There are many different hearing aid technologies available, including behind-the-ear, in-the-ear, and in-the-canal hearing aids. Additionally, wireless hearing aids are linked to each other via Bluetooth while digital hearing aids provide better sound quality, voice recognition, and noise reduction.