The Jewish Kabbala and its magic

Kabbala, when translated, means mysticism or awareness of the occult. It comes from Jewish tradition, which deals with God’s essence. According to Kabbalists, God works in strange ways, whether as a sacred text or an experience. However, they also believe that the right knowledge of the mysterious process can be acquired, and using that knowledge; you can gain the highest intimacy with God.

The Zohar is a written collection of commentaries in Torah, regarded as the foundation of Kabbala. Written in medieval times in Hebrew, the Zohar helps guide Kabbalists in their journey to get close to God and helps them acquire the best level of connectivity with God they seek.

The Kabbalists witness God and his creation as a continuum instead of different entities and choose to get as close to their God as possible. This desire is more intense because of the strong mystical kinship Kabbalists think exists between humans and God. They think that there is a God waiting to be revealed in every human. According to them, the essence of God is found in everything and every existence. You have three dimensions to Jewish mysticism understood by a limited number of people with specialized knowledge.

  • The practical
  • The experimental
  • The exploratory

Exploratory people are involved in searching for the hidden truth of the universe. According to the Jewish tradition, you have three ways to acquire knowledge:

  • By a direct revelation from an angel, or spirit possession
  • By oral transfer of culture from a Kabbalistic master
  • By translating the sacred texts and knowing the hidden meaning

However, you can also learn by checking out the authentic website in Hebrew about Kabbala.

The experimental dimension of Kabbala includes gaining mystical experience through unmediated and direct encounters with a hidden deity. In their path to meet God, Jewish mystics spiritually spend their lives. Mystics strive for an experience of God not just by gaining knowledge about God but by living lives as sanctioned by Jewish mysticism. They’re asked to marry, have a family and accomplish all communal, traditional, and religious duties. According to Kabbalists, they should devote two hours to the Bible, four hours to Talmud, two to mystical texts, and two other Jewish texts and spend the rest of the time in daily care, making a living, and sleeping.

Basically, a Kabbalah aims to gain the power to change in this world and beyond. The power can only be produced by following the commandments, controlling good and bad forces, and tapping into spiritual energies present in the universe. The person who truly masters this art becomes a co-creator with God.

There are several theories related to this. Jewish mystics do not work like monks but are social people. Knowing how to be a Kabbala and practicing their lives can become easy if you know it in detail. You can check the website in Hebrew about Kabbala and work out your way accordingly. The innovative interpretations of the existing teachings may give new meaning to your life and give you an insight into the Kabbalistic traditions.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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