The invention of the Sonali bag and How Invention service farms can spread it worldwide?

Plastic bags are an important material in our day-to-day life. We cannot live a day without plastic bags. Our industrialization is going on depending on plastics. There is not only plastic bags that people use for their daily use, but the fact is almost 50 per cent of the materials we use to do our household works are made of plastics. So, plastic is helpful to us. There is no doubt about it. But is it good for the other living animals on the planet, or is it good for nature? The answer is always no Because plastic is a material that never mixes with the soil. So, plastics are harmful to the environment. So, scientists were trying to find a way to solve the plastic problem, so they were trying to make plastics that mix with the soil. But they failed over and over again. Recently, a scientist from Bangladesh named Md. Mubarak Ahmed Khan invented a biodegradable and eco-friendly bag from jute cellulose. It looks like plastic bags, but if it is burnt, it turns out to be ash. So, this invention has got a good attraction to the world community because it is a bag which works just like plastic bags and also these bags can mix with soil as it is made of natural component jute. So, this invention deserves to go to the hand of normal customers.

But it is not possible by the scientists himself as he has limited resources to produce this invention. And for that reason, he needs to take help from the invention service firms.  He will let his invention be taken care of by the different companies interested in working with this innovative project. Though Sonali bag got enough media response still, many people don’t know about it so,  the invention firms will provide this service to them. So, many invention firms throughout the world provide these kinds of services to clients.

And InventHelp is one of those service providing organizations. It is a USA based corporation under Crunchbase Inc. For more detailed information, one can visit Invent Help. Here he will get how this organization works with innovative people and how categories it is on working. 

The services one can get from the InventHelp are discussed.

1. One can get help with patent and trademark registration about his invention if the organization thinks that the idea is unique and has a good possibility.

2.  After registration, the organization submit the ideas to different companies to see their interests and feedback about the idea. Only the companies which are registered under tha data bank of InventHelp can review the ideas. So, if companies like and want to work with the idea, they propose a deal to an inventor through InventHelp.

3.  The inventors or those who desire to work with InventHelp can go to the trade fair they participate. In the trade shows, they display how they work with their clients. So, for more visual details, people can join their display.  Important to mention that InveatHelp never does an individual invention display.

4. InveatHelp releases publicity depending on the details of inventions. But it does not release all the important factors of their invention. Instead, it tries to show the outlook and get people attention. It publishes them on trade publications, different news portals, and mass media.

So, these are some of the important information people like to know about InventHelp invention service firm. But many firms are doing the same job, but most of them are found fraud as they were accused of stealing ideas from the inventors. But, InventHelp is different. It was founded in 1984 and continuing it’s good to work. So, anybody who wants to work with Invent Help should click here. 

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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