The golden way for free Bitcoins

Anyone who decides to venture into the world of cryptography, as a result of the search for new ways to earn money, faces a series of doubts: how do I do it? Where? How much can i invest? And it seems that the ways to obtain the first coin are becoming more and more restricted.

People who are just trying to enter the crypto world find that most of the sites dedicated to this world do not guide them properly, since they are focused on advanced or knowledgeable users, and when they see the value of a crypto currency they believe that it is practically impossible that they can get one.

When the user tries to enter this ecosystem from mining, he finds that specific equipment is required, increasingly sophisticated and that consume a large amount of electrical energy, making mining available to a few.

Recognizing these difficulties, we will mention options that have arisen and allow obtaining free bitcoins through methods available to everyone.

How to earn free Bitcoin?

Websites / Faucetes

There are websites or applications based on reward systems, which with a simple method allows you to earn Bitcoins for free without any risk. These platforms give participants a satoshi or one hundredth of 1 BTC (0.00000001 bitcoin) through a series of actions. These have become very popular in the crypto world and their use is growing.

Obtaining a free Bitcoin on websites can be done through:

•             Complete a series of tasks.

•             See an advertisement that is clicked.

•             Playing or completing simple captchas, which are also known as faucets. After users solve the tasks or captchas, they can claim corresponding rewards at certain time intervals, and deposit them directly in their respective wallets. And so, in a simple way, a newcomer to the crypto world can get their first crypto currency for free.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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