Taking Care of Oneself

Student life is a penance. Here nothing is available at one trick of a magic wand instead for each and every single thing a student has to do a lot of effort. As the time passes by, the burden on the shoulders of the students is increasing. These days students have to go through a lot of situations for which they are not even ready yet but the competition level is so high that students are sacrificing their childhood in order to win that competition. Students these days are burdened with so many responsibilities where they get tangled between home and academics and hence, they remain neither good enough for home nor for school life. Even student life runs on some strategies and in lack of those strategies student life gets scattered. Students need to manage things in their student life by getting them organized from beginning to finishing. Earlier students didn’t have any support but today there are several supportive tools in the market like LMS portals and ERP for school which support the students up to that level where students are able to manage their studies by themselves. Among such a hectic schedule students will be able to perform well only when they will take care of themselves. Because learners are doing everything these days except taking care of themselves. A healthy lifestyle includes looking after physical, mental and emotional well-being. Students should be well aware about when the things are getting out of control and how to manage those uncontrolled things in academic life. And lastly students are able to cope up with their responsibilities while taking care of themselves. It is so because when things get adverse then it takes a toll on health.

To take care of health students need to change their careless routine because it is easy to give up sleep for studies but sleep is as necessary for the health as studies for the career and life. Sleep is very important for physical and mental health because the mind and body get recharged while one sleeps and for the students’ sleep is that medium through which information gets stored for the long term in memory and thus makes sleep an important ingredient for school life. For better sleep students should make a sleep routine when TV, mobile & all the distractions should be kept away, all the lights should be killed in the room and make a dark atmosphere which will help in sleep and relax. Students should keep a healthy routine of diet also where they should drink plenty of water, limit the junk food, eat fresh fruits and green vegetables which should be full of protein and nutrients. Students should take regular meals and should not skip this regular routine even for once due to any reason. Also, students need to take care of eating habits and should escape overeating. ERP for school takes care that students should get help and support from the school management in taking their care as LMS portals take care of online learning of the students. Students need to keep themselves healthy with the help of regular exercise to build a strong body and attentive mind which can contribute to the academic life of the students and give them a proper career. Students should take care of their physical and mental well being by maintaining the mood with the help of meditation and entertainment like by watching comedy and cartoon movies sometimes. As elucidated above students need to take an ample amount of sleep of 6-8 hours properly. It is necessary for the health of the students that they should keep talking to their dear ones. It is so because they are also humans and they need to express themselves to someone very dear to them, with whom they can share their stress and pressure and also their emotions about their personal lives, about their ambitions and efforts they are making about them to make those dreams come true. Talking to people makes mental status balanced and students become able to deal with the stress of winning and getting the benchmarks set by them. Students need to take a break when they need to and should never study continuously. A pause is necessary to relax the mind in order to retain the capacity to perform again.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15890

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