Streamline Investor Targeting

Streamline Investor Targeting with Engagement Analytics

IR Magazine’s Objectives & Challenges report revealed most Investor Relations Officers (IROs) said targeting new investors was one of their top goals in 2018. Now roughly five years and a pandemic later, targeting remains a priority for most IR teams.

Unfortunately, today’s financial situation makes this target exceptionally difficult to achieve. Market volatility, recession warnings, retail investors, growing activism, and vast digital transformation complicate your task of finding value-driven shareholders.

Some investors wind up abandoning targeting in the face of so many challenges. But without targeting, your IR strategy falls apart. How can you maximize shareholder value and draw investment to your company?

Before you give up on your goals, try engagement analytics. It’s the latest tool to help you target with precision.

What is Engagement Analytics?

Engagement analytics is the latest IR technology that helps streamline your workflow, sharpen your targeting techniques, and prepare for earnings season.

It does this by focusing on investor behavioral data collected from your IR website, collecting engagement metrics and analytics such as page views, content downloads, and event registrations. The latest tech combines this IR intelligence with market information, such as ownership and stock performance, to give you a bird’s eye view of who’s engaging with your brand and in what ways.

You can find all this information in one dashboard so that you don’t have to switch between siloed IR tools to collect engagement metrics from your site, webcasts, and your CRM desktop app.

What Are the Benefits of Engagement Analytics?

Besides giving a more holistic understanding of your engagement metrics, engagement analytics comes with the following key benefits:

Streamlines Workflow

First and foremost, engagement analytics will radically transform your average workday. Since it consolidates all your engagement metrics with your market performances, there’s no need to refer to multiple programs at once. You can see who’s engaging with your company in a single tool, saving you a considerable amount of time.

Improves Communications

With a broad selection of engagement metrics at your fingertips, you can see what content is resonating with which investors. The right IR tool can even show you the specific content investors are interested in reading, as you’ll be able to track their clicks and downloads.

This can strengthen your communication outreach since this IR intelligence shows you the institutional shareholders who may need attention. It can also identify new investors interacting with your content online. You can target these newly engaged institutions at the perfect time, using their engagement metrics to prepare for your one-on-one meetings.

Identify Activists

Not all activity will suggest positive engagement with your company. As the past few years have shown, activism is on the rise. Sophisticated engagement analytics can flag potential activist behavior in your stock. This means you won’t be responding to this issue on your back foot but rather proactively in real time.

Prepare for Earnings Season

With another earnings season coming up, engagement analytics can help your IR team and leadership prepare for your eventual earnings call. This tech shows you the information they’re interested in before the event, so you can better anticipate the questions or comments they may have on the call.

Bottom Line: Targeting is Crucial to Your IR Strategy

While targeting may be harder today than before, it’s no less important for your investor relations strategy. If your team struggles to prioritize investor targeting like you want, consider adding engagement analytics to your IR tools.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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