website, design

Some tips on website design and It’s Content

It is essential to make an excellent first impression, especially on the internet. If your website looks amateurish, people will likely click the back button before reading your homepage or even considering buying anything from you.

Because they are created by professionals who build websites every day, website templates solve this problem. Your site’s graphics will load quickly and be well-designed. To ensure compatibility, the basic layout of your site will be tested with multiple browsers. The navigation system will also have been tested.


A web template can cost between $20 and $70. Compare this with a design from scratch cost of around $500 from a web designer, and you will see how much you can save by going DIY.

A template is an excellent starting point to create a professional-looking website. You will only need basic editing skills and the appropriate software and view more at Issh Tech.


Editing a partial website is much faster than building a new site. This allows you to avoid creating navigation menus or optimizing graphics for faster loading web pages. A web designer typically takes 5 to 15 days to create a site of high quality.

Establish a structure

It can take a lot of time to decide on the layout of a website. A template can help you avoid design problems and allow you to concentrate on the content. This will help you create a polished product.

Universal language

Many web templates can be downloaded as simple HTML files or flash sites. Both versions will be available from more experienced retailers.

You can use a low-cost HTML editor if you have a limited budget. However, premium products from Macromedia and Adobe will allow you to provide all the features that you need to make your site more engaging for your visitors and website development services at

This article will outline the five most essential conventions to follow when designing and writing your website.

If the display isn’t good enough, even the best content, it won’t be read. Your website’s usability can be optimized to make your visitors more engaged, read more and convert more sales.

These design and writing conventions are essential if your site intends to inform visitors and/or direct them to take a specific action (like purchasing something).

1. To provide information, use meaningful link text.

2. Create scannable pages

3. Simple website designs are best.

4. Clear and consistent website navigation.

People are impatient and will quickly scan through your page, then leave when they feel bored. Place your most important, best content at the top of your page.

Your layout should not push your most important content below the “page fold”. This is your “Prime Real Estate,” don’t waste it. You don’t want to waste valuable space by using large logos or graphics that aren’t necessary or ambiguous headlines.

Start each page by introducing a summary of the page or a list of pages’ contents. Make sure to be specific and include the latest items in the “What’s New” section.

To provide information, use meaningful link text

In seconds, web surfers will decide if your page is worth reading. You miss an opportunity to give information by using bland and content-neutral link text. Also, visually impaired users of the internet often tell their computer to read the linked text aloud.

Your anchor text should describe what your reader will see when they click on the link. This will help them decide on whether to click.

Website Previews in Blurbs

A “Blurb”, a brief paragraph, is what gives you a preview of the page that’s at the end of a hyperlink. Now you are reading a blurb. If the blurb helps readers click on the link, it works

Create scannable pages

Books and magazines articles can be read offline in a sequential fashion.

The online text does not have to be sequential. It relies on smaller pieces of text that the reader may not always read in order. Each page on your website must make sense for visitors who have not seen the previous page or arrived via a search engine.

Readers can scan pages quickly and easily with clear, informative headings & subheadings.

Simple website designs are possible

Visitors didn’t visit your site to view your fancy graphics. They are looking for information about pricing and availability, directions or contact information, or perhaps they want technical details.

Suppose your website isn’t about cool graphics effects. In that case, I can assure you that visitors won’t care about your spinning logo, dancing unicorns, or whether your menu buttons blink, change background images, or whether your menu buttons are animated when they hover over them.

Web-savvy users have learned to ignore advertisements. Anything that blinks, flashes, blinks, blinks or shimmers will not be given the attention it deserves.

Your page will be more challenging to navigate if you include too many of these things. Too many of these things will make your reader leave and never return. Be careful with images. Every image on your webpage slows it down, sometimes a bit

  • An index with thumbnails can be used to help extensive images collections. They can click the thumbnails to see full-size versions.
  •  To reduce the size of your images, you can use an image editor
  • Clear, consistent website navigation
  • Surfers are frustrated by slow pages (and pop-ups) and have a problem understanding and inconsistent website navigation.
  • You can use the same menu across all pages.
  • Link related items together using a logical hierarchy.
  •  Make sure you are clear in your link titles and descriptions.
  •  When possible, use text links

Websites with more than 10 or 15 pages do not necessarily need links from each page to the other. You can link to each page section but give each team its “Table Of Contents”.

Each page should link to the homepage and the site map.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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