Security Patrol Services- Essential Security Services

Security patrol services are the services offered to keep watch over an area or activity by a group of entrusted guards at regular intervals. It involves routine patrolling to prevent any kind of security breach that may be hazardous, illegal, life-threatening. The team comprising this security needs to be vigilant about avoiding any kind of undesirable event and take immediate steps to avoid it.

Importance of Security Patrol Services 

  1. Patrolling areas under jurisdiction: There are many private security agencies that provide patrolling services for clients to keep vigil near the surrounding area under their agreement which includes parking areas, farmhouses, factories, or any other establishment where there is the scope of a security breach.
  2. Preventing unauthorized or unwanted events: These people are entrusted with the task of preventing any unwanted events and keep a hawk-eye on each and every activity. Wherever there is any suspicion the team is authorized to carry out checks and seizures.
  3. Maintaining track records of all events for the clients: They need to maintain a database of all the tracks and deviations if any from regular movements for the client. This enables the client to decide if any changes need to be maintained to reduce the scope of the unwanted breach.
  4. Quick response to emergency situations: In case of any kind of security breach the team takes immediate preventive action if possible to control the situation and restore normalcy. They are accountable for hiring clients for any event happening due to any negligence on their part. In some cases, they had to pay compensation to the clients.
  5. Eliminate unknown items: Checking for unclaimed items such as bags is one of the works that security patrol services provide. These items when appearing at a certain spot where people gather are a point to be concerned about. There have been cases where bombs or other hazardous things are found in this. These servicemen will make sure such items are never found lying around.

Different Types of Security Patrol Services

  1. Foot Patrol

    Foot Patrol is administered on foot as suggested by the name itself. This type of patrol service is as beneficial as the security guard can keep physical vigilance over the entrusted location. They responsively walk towards the destined client’s location to avoid any form of eventual security events like unbolted doors or windows, stuck doors, keeps an eye on trespassers. The official job of the security patrol officer is to scrutinize the detailed records inside the premises of the required area under surveillance.
  2. Vehicle Security Patrol

    This kind of patrolling services are precisely used for active sites or location which covers a huge area. Full access and security devices like Walkie Talkie & Satellite phones are used to contact the backup team. Also, vehicles cover a huge ground in a very short period of time especially when instant retaliation or preventive steps has to be taken.

Process of Security Process Services:

Effective Patrolling System plays a necessary role in the employment of security guards as he needs to keep an eye on the enemies without giving any scope of him being recognized. There are a lot of criteria things which a security patrol officer needs to fulfill for an efficient system of patrolling.

  1. Allocation of officers and guards for the different areas under surveillance based on criticality and other operational decisions.
  2. Regular patrolling of the area to be guarded.
  3. Random checks and drills to check the effectiveness of the entire system.
  4. Video security is set up to record and keep a digital eye on all movements in the area.
  5. Checking expiry dates of fire extinguishers as per job agreement.
  6. Carrying out a risk assessment and submitting reports and records to the client on agreed timelines.

Thus, we can say that Security Patrol services involve multiple layers of checks and control points. Though these services are not economical as it involves too many personnel involvements still one cannot ignore the importance of the same in the modern world. Stay safe!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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