Scalp Pustules Treatment – Know the Causes and Solution

Scalp Pustules are a small inflamed elevation of skin containing pus; a blister filled with pus. They often cause severe irritation/discomfort for the unfortunate person who has them. But if you happen to have scalp pustules on your scalp, you first need to understand what those pustules are and how they got on your scalp, before you can know how to get rid of them for good.

Scalp Pustules can be caused by several factors, out of which hair follicle infection, caused by bacteria, yeast and mites are the most common factors. These infections can and often do damage the hair follicles, and cause the development of bumps or pustules on the scalp.

This condition is more common amongst those with an oily scalp. This is because an excess of oil secretion can clog the sebaceous glands, which then increases the chances of getting bacterial infections. The bacteria that are frequently found to be responsible for causing how to get rid of buildup on scalp pustules are Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus bacterium.

Once a scalp has been bacterially infected, you can then expect to see the popups of whitehead/yellowhead pimples. Sometimes, the pustules can be quite large in size, and may remain filled with yellow pus. Such large pus filled pustules can be quite painful, and they can rupture, releasing the pus on the surrounding skin. When the pus is released, it can infect surrounding areas of your scalp that weren’t infected before.

Since scalp pustules often result from an oily scalp, how does one control an excess scalp oil secretion? By making sure you shampoo your scalp every single day. If you have a scalp pustules problem, you need to understand that you cannot handle your scalp the same way those without scalp problems do. You’re the one with the scalp pustules problem; therefore you must approach the health of your scalp differently and with proper direction.

If you have an oily scalp, which is then producing pustules on your scalp, you need to make sure not a day goes by without you shampooing your scalp. This is essential. Oil secretion should not be allowed to accumulate past 24 hours because allowing it to do so will only result in the buildup of dirt on the scalp, which will surely lead to an infection.

Also, when you shampoo your hair, make sure you use a baby shampoo. Baby shampoos are the safest shampoos for those who have scalp problems. Why? This is because they contain the least amount of chemicals. Other products i.e. head and shoulders contain harsh chemicals that can actually worsen your condition. You do not want that. Use a baby shampoo each time you wash your scalp.

If the pustules on your clogged pores on scalp are severe and causing you persistent irritation, you need to attack the problem differently. While using a baby shampoo is always necessary, when dealing with a more serious case, the problem must be dealt with using a combination of special medication. For detailed information on what these medications are, and for instructions on how to apply them to your scalp, visit the page below:

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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