Reptile Terrarium for Bearded Dragons

When it comes to reptiles, many people think of snakes. But there are other types of reptiles, including the popular bearded dragon. Bearded dragons make great pets because they are relatively easy to care for and they have a docile temperament. If you are thinking about getting a bearded dragon, one of the first decisions you will need to make is what type of reptile terrarium for bearded dragons to get for your pet.

Choosing the Right Terrarium for Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons make popular pets, due to their docile nature and easy care. When considering a bearded dragon for a pet, one of the first decisions to make is what type of terrarium to buy. There are a few key things to consider when choosing a terrarium for bearded dragons.

Size of the Terrarium

There are a few things to consider when choosing a terrarium for your bearded dragon. The first thing to think about is the size of the terrarium. The terrarium should be large enough to allow your bearded dragon to move around freely. It should also be tall enough so that your bearded dragon can climb up and down easily.

The size of the terrarium is important, as the dragon will need plenty of space. The terrarium should also be tall enough that the dragon can climb up and bask in a warm area. Bearded dragons like to hide, so it’s also important to include several areas in the terrarium where they can hide.


The next thing to consider is the type of material the terrarium is made from. Bearded dragons are well known for being able to climb so a sturdy terrarium is important. Also, the substrate in the terrarium should be easy to clean and not have sharp edges.

Plants and Rocks in Terrarium

A variety of plants and rocks can be used to create hiding spots and add interest to the terrarium. The type of substrate used in a terrarium is also important. The substrate should be non-toxic, safe for reptiles to use, and easy to clean. The substrate will support the dragon’s health and well-being, as it provides hiding places and climbing surfaces.

Sand-like Substrate

If you are using a sand-like substrate, be sure to monitor your dragon for any skin issues. Sand can be dusty and may irritate the dragon’s skin, so keep an eye on their scales and make sure they are moving around in their terrarium.

Terrariums are also great for dragon husbandry. They give the dragon a safe and secure place to hide, and they can be used as a measuring tool to keep track of their growth. If you have a small terrarium, it is best to use a substrate that is safe for reptiles to dig through. You can use a loose substrate such as bark or wood chips if the dragon is not digging deep enough to damage its skin. Small terrariums can be made out of plastic. If you choose to make a plastic terrarium, avoid using the plastic that is made for feeding reptiles as it can be very harmful if eaten.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15885

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