Pregnancy Journey during COVID-19 Pandemic

How to protect yourself and your baby

Pregnancy is a wonderful journey full of excitement and anticipation. But for many moms-to-be, the COVID-19 pandemic has clouded this period with fear, worries and anxiety.

To help you traverse through this covid period, here are some tips on how to have a safe pregnancy.

Shall I get vaccinated during pregnancy?

Although the risk of severe illnesses from covid-19 remains low post vaccination, pregnancy puts you at higher risk of severe illness compared to people who are not pregnant. Research is still under progress to understand the effects of covid vaccine on pregnant women. Pregnant women who are working as the frontline workers are at a higher risk of getting infected. Such women may get vaccinated only after a proper consultation from their health care expert.

If I get Covid-19 during pregnancy, can it harm my baby?

There is no proof yet that the virus affects the baby by crossing the placenta. Many covid-19 positive moms gave birth to babies who tested negative. So, it is improbable that your unborn baby will catch the infection while in the womb in case you get it.

Also, there have been some cases of newborn babies having Covid-19. In many cases, they got infected after birth. It is still unknown if the virus can be passed on through amniotic fluid or breastmilk.

Experts say that your baby won’t catch the virus through the placenta during pregnancy or through your breastmilk after birth. Babies and children are considered to be less likely to fall severely ill if they get Covid-19.

Is it safe to go for appointments and scans?

Yes, you should follow your appointments and scans schedule strictly for the sake of your and your growing baby’s health. Your hospital or clinic will space appointments in a manner to reduce the number of visitors.

If you go into labour or have a complication that seeks medical attention, don’t hesitate to see your doctor.

If possible, try to visit a maternity hospital or your gynaecologist’s private clinic. This will greatly reduce the other types of patients around you as you won’t have to cross paths with them.

If you are visiting your doctor at a multi-speciality hospital, make sure to maintain social distancing from other patients and carry hand sanitiser so that you can clean your hands regularly.

How can I protect myself from Covid-19?

Here are a few steps you can stick to in order to  minimise your exposure to Covid-19 and reduce your chance of catching the bug:

Covid-19 vaccine

The general recommendation for pregnant women is to discuss the best time for you to get the Covid vaccine with your obstetrician or gynaecologist.

Social distance

Keep away from the unknown people outside your family. Someone who has caught the virus may or may not start showing symptoms immediately so it’s difficult to understand who is spreading the virus. Staying away from others is your best way to shield yourself from exposure to the virus.

Wear your mask properly

It is now the rule to wear a mask while stepping out to protect you from Covid-19, but you should make sure that you’re wearing your mask correctly covering your mouth and nose, or it won’t be of any use

Practice strict hygiene

Continue the habit of washing your hands with disinfectant soap for at least 20 seconds often. This habit will help keep the virus at a bay.

My baby is due soon. Is it safe for me to give birth in the hospital?

If you have planned to have a delivery in a hospital, it is still the safest place for you to do so. Many hospitals have set up security measures to make sure you and baby both are in the safety zone.

How to stay calm during this period?

Try to follow these tips to help yourself weather the storm: Do’s & Don’ts during pregnancy.

  • Learn to say no and slow down on your to-do list. This is not the time to worry about keeping your house the cleanest as possible or cooking large meals. Do what you like and enjoy.
  • Drop or reassign some household chores. Take advantage of the time you get back to relax with a book, a nap, or however you prefer to.
  • Use sick or vacation days, if you have them, to just concentrate on yourself and stay calm.
  • Give deep breathing, meditation, or yoga a try.
  • Go for healthy, balanced, and energy-boosting meals and snacks.
  • Go to bed early.
  • Listen to some relaxing music.
  • Skip the TV news overload to stay out of negative thoughts.
  • Pamper yourself with a home spa session.

The Pregnancy Journey during COVID-19 is a little bit especially when it comes to pregnancy. But, you have to stay strong enough to sail smoothly during this rough phase. As we all know the saying, dark clouds shall pass soon and bring sunshine!

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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