Marketing strategies for your Shopify store

Many Shopify owners try everything when it comes to marketing their Shopify store! And frankly many of those methods don’t work! They are traditional methods, and they may work but they will be obsolete in next 12 months and you will be sitting with an store which has negligible traffic.

But you don’t have to worry, let’s discuss some of the marketing strategies that will work for your store and will render long term results.

But before that make sure your shopify web design is user friendly and have good end user experience.

Ok, now let’s discuss our strategies 

  1. Instagram shop – If you don’t already know, Instagram has launched a feature where users can make a purchase without leaving the Instagram app. Now this will give a big boast in sales for stores which already have credibility with their audience. Big brands are already leveraging the power of Instagram shop, so why don’t you?
  2. Google Shopping – Gone are the days when customer had to visit multiple websites before deciding what to buy, now will Google shopping tab, you can integrate your products directly in the shopping tab and you can reach potentially customers who have right intent of making a purchase.
  3. Search Engine Marketing – If you need a reminder, here it is Shopify search engine optimization will render results in longer terms, many people feel it is too saturated, which is an excuse rather than a fact. Many stores these days render results after making initial investment in search engine marketing.
  4. Video marketing – If you don’t shy away while recording your singing videos, why don’t you do the same with your products! These days with high speed internet people are preferring video over images! This gives store owners an opportunity to show what kind of problem their products can solve in 5 to 10 seconds videos! 
  5. Reverse Dropshipping – If you make your own products, and if you are comfortable with white labeling, then concept of reverse Dropshipping will help you much better, here you will let the sellers know the base price of your product and then those sellers will do their magic and bring the sales for your store! The biggest advantage of reverse dropshipping is you just have to worry about creating great product and everything else will be taken care by them! 
  6. Store partnership – When you are into accessories business, we recommend that you have a tieups with stores who are selling the main product and they can upsell your product as bundle. This gives leverage over other stores, where you will make the sale directly without almost 0 marketing efforts. This also gives your brand visibility, so when someone is thinking of purchasing after sometime, they can recall your brand much easily and that will help you make the sale for your store quite easily.

While these strategies will work most of the time, make sure your store is 

  • Without any issues when user is visiting your webpage
  • Have right description for them to answer every question they have
  • Have right amount of reviews so people can gain trust 
  • Your store is mobile first, because 85% of the traffic will be from mobile 
  • Your store has option to change language if you are catering to multiple region 

So we hope these marketing strategies will work for you, remember your store is only as good as you are, and without implementing right marketing strategies or using traditional method, you are only going to miss out on potential customers.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15902

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