Make a Custom CRM Software with No-Code App Maker

Customer care is the key to a successful business. If you can ensure customer loyalty then you can be certain of a prosperous future. Customer Management Relationship (CRM) software helps you do just that. CRM is a system designed to track and gather all the interactions of different departments of the business with every customer to ensure customer satisfaction, loyalty, and in turn increase in profits for the company. 

That is not all that CRMs do. They also help different businesses to connect and share information so that others can benefit from the information gathered by one.

CRMs can be very technical and complex and purchasing software for your business can get very expensive. Not to mention that most CRM tools are not designed for your business’s specific needs. Perhaps that is why you are here. You want to create a bespoke application that fits your business’s needs. Here’s how you can create a complex CRM software with with simple steps.

CRM Software Creation with is a no-code app maker which allows you to create your applications without the need to program and code. It employs a drag-and-drop method to help you create your application. Just drag and drop all the essential elements from the side panel and watch as your app comes to life. 

You can edit them as you like and make them look as you desire. CRM software gathers information from various sources and pools them in one place. Keeping that in mind you can add all the different elements, charts, graphs, pictures, and text boxes to take full advantage of all the information available.

Now that you’re done adding features to your application, you can start adding functionality to these elements. AppMaster’s powerful editing tools help you create and add functionality to all the elements present on your app screen.

Connecting Your CRM App with Other Tools using AppMaster

For your CRM to import information, you will need to connect it to different apps and tools at your disposal such as customer call center, sales department records, complaints mail records, APIs, different branches, and perhaps social media review pages. allows you to integrate all kinds of tools with your app to increase its scope.

Publish Your CRM App using

Once you’re finished editing your app and connecting it with different programs and tools, you can then publish your app using AppMaster cloud with one click. You do not have to worry about exporting your application. You can publish it to AWS, GCS, Azure, or private clouds. The choice is yours.

There you go. Your app is ready to be put to use. Simple, wasn’t it?


You no longer have to learn how to program and write code in order to create apps. Nothing is keeping you from creating apps even if you don’t know how to code now. Technological advancement has ensured that no one has to walk the steep learning curve of programming and coding. Using AppMaster, you can create a CRM that caters specifically to your business’s needs. The only limitation left is your imagination.

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Christophe Rude

Christophe Rude

Articles: 15889

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